Receive reasons to believe
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1 01 May 2024 The many proofs of Christ’s resurrection
2 02 May 2024 The Virgin Mary has appeared or intervened more than 2000 times throughout History!
3 03 May 2024 James the Just, “brother” of the Lord, apostle and martyr (d. 62 AD)
4 04 May 2024 The stability and permanence of the Catholic Church and magisterium
5 06 May 2024 Zeitoun apparitions
6 07 May 2024 The Life-giving Font of Constantinople
7 08 May 2024 The surpassing power of Christ's word
8 09 May 2024 The superhuman intuition of Saint Pachomius the Great
9 10 May 2024 Saint John of the Cross: mystic, reformer, poet, and universal psychologist (+1591)
10 11 May 2024 The Virgin Mary heals a teenager, then appears to him dozens of times (1986)
11 13 May 2024 A host came to her: 11-year-old Imelda received Communion and died in ecstasy (1333)
12 14 May 2024 A protective hand saved John Paul II and led to happy consequences (1981)
13 15 May 2024 In 1947, a rosary crusade liberated Austria from the Soviets (1946-1955)
14 16 May 2024 Saint Simon Stock receives the scapular of Mount Carmel from the hands of the Virgin Mary
16 18 May 2024 Archaeological finds confirm the reliability of the New Testament
17 20 May 2024 Pope Saint Celestine V: at 84, nothing predestined him to become Pope
18 21 May 2024 Edith Stein - Saint Benedicta of the Cross: "A daughter of Israel who, during the Nazi persecutions, remained united with faith and love to the Crucified Lord, Jesus Christ, as a Catholic, and to her people as a Jew"
19 22 May 2024 Saint Rita of Cascia: hoping against all hope
20 23 May 2024 The Virgin Mary delivers besieged Christians in Cusco, Peru
21 24 May 2024 María de Jesús de Ágreda, abbess and friend of the King of Spain
22 25 May 2024 Jesus spoke and acted as God's equal
23 27 May 2024 Saint Philip Neri: a heart dilated by the fire of the Holy Spirit
24 28 May 2024 Faverney's hosts miraculously saved from fire
25 29 May 2024 The "New Pentecost": modern day, spectacular outpouring of the Holy Spirit
26 30 May 2024 Joan of Arc: "the most beautiful story in the world"
27 31 May 2024 Lewis’s trilemma: a proof of Jesus’s divinity
28 01 June 2024 Gietrzwald apparitions: heavenly help to a persecuted minority
29 03 June 2024 Saint Blandina and the Martyrs of Lyon: the fortitude of faith (177 AD)
30 04 June 2024 Saint John XXIII: Obedience as the path to peace
31 05 June 2024 The unique prophecies that announced the Messiah
32 06 June 2024 The prophecies about "she who is to give birth" (Mi 5:2)
33 07 June 2024 Saint Joseph’s apparitions in Cotignac, France (1660)
34 08 June 2024 The time of the coming of the Messiah was accurately prophesied
35 10 June 2024 Gabrielle Bossis: He and I
36 11 June 2024 The unusual boat of Saint Basil of Ryazan
37 12 June 2024 André Levet's conversion in prison
38 13 June 2024 Saint Anthony of Padua: "everyone’s saint"
39 14 June 2024 Luz Amparo and the El Escorial apparitions
40 15 June 2024 The Gospels were written too early after the facts to be legends
41 17 June 2024 Lutgardis of Tongeren and the devotion to the Sacred Heart
42 18 June 2024 Saint Margaret Mary sees the "Heart that so loved mankind"
43 19 June 2024 Elena Aiello: "a Eucharistic soul"
44 20 June 2024 The extraordinary conversion of Michelina of Pesaro
45 21 June 2024 The New Testament is the best-attested manuscript of Antiquity
46 22 June 2024 Thomas More: “The king’s good servant, but God’s first”
47 24 June 2024 The New Testament was not altered
48 25 June 2024 The extraordinary apparitions of Medjugorje and their worldwide impact
49 26 June 2024 The miraculous cure of Blessed Maria Giuseppina Catanea
50 27 June 2024 Near-death experiences (NDEs) confirm Catholic doctrine on the Four Last Things
51 28 June 2024 Onomastics support the historical reliability of the Gospels
52 29 June 2024 Saint Peter, prince of the apostles
53 01 July 2024 Saint Thomas Aquinas: God gave all the divine proofs we needed to believe
54 02 July 2024 The 700 extraordinary visions of the Gospel received by Maria Valtorta (d. 1961)
55 03 July 2024 The concept of Revelation presupposes the concept of Magisterium
56 04 July 2024 Pier Giorgio Frassati (d.1925): heroic charity
57 05 July 2024 Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, physician of bodies and souls (d. 1539)
58 06 July 2024 The prophet Isaiah's ultra accurate description of the Messiah's sufferings
59 08 July 2024 Teresa Musco (d.1976): salvation through the Cross
60 09 July 2024 The day André Frossard met Christ in Paris (1935)
61 10 July 2024 Brother Marcel Van (d.19659): a "star has risen in the East"
62 11 July 2024 Saint Benedict, father of Western monasticism (d. 550)
63 12 July 2024 Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of Saint Therese of Lisieux (d. 1894 and 1877)
64 13 July 2024 Fontanelle-Montichiari apparitions of Our Lady "Rosa Mystica" (1947)
65 15 July 2024 Saint Camillus de Lellis, reformer of hospital care (c. 1560)
66 16 July 2024 The authors of the Gospels were either eyewitnesses or close contacts of those eyewitnesses
67 17 July 2024 The Martyrs of Compiègne (1794)
68 18 July 2024 The Rue du Bac apparitions of the Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Labouré (Paris, 1830)
69 19 July 2024 Blaise Marmoiton: the epic journey of a missionary to New Caledonia (d. 1847)
70 20 July 2024 With 7,500 cases of unexplained cures, Lourdes is unique in the world (1858-today)
71 22 July 2024 Daniel's "Son of Man" is a portrait of Christ
72 23 July 2024 Rosanna Battista of Grottaglie (d.1663): a heart on fire for Christ
73 24 July 2024 The more than 33,000 miracles of Saint Charbel Maklouf (d. 1898)
74 25 July 2024 Humane Vitae: a striking argument in favor of Catholicism (1968)
75 26 July 2024 Saints Anne and Joachim, parents of the Virgin Mary (19 BC)
76 27 July 2024 Blessed Maria Grazia Tarallo, mystic and stigmatist (d. 1912)
77 29 July 2024 Saint Nazarius, apostle and martyr (d. 68 or 70)
78 30 July 2024 Saint Lupus, the bishop who saved his city from the Huns (d. 623)
79 31 July 2024 Saint Ignatius of Loyola (d. 1556): "For the greater glory of God"
80 01 August 2024 Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1787): a lawyer takes on supernatural work
81 02 August 2024 The amazing geological accuracy of Maria Valtorta's writings (d. 1961)
82 03 August 2024 84 details in Acts verified by historical and archaeological sources
83 05 August 2024 Saint John Vianney (d. 1859): the global fame of a humble village priest
84 06 August 2024 Cardinal Aron Jean-Marie Lustiger (d. 2007): Chosen by God
85 07 August 2024 Maria Esperanza Bianchini and Mary, Mary, Reconciler of Peoples and Nations (1976)
86 08 August 2024 Saint Dominic of Guzman (d.1221): an athlete of the faith
87 09 August 2024 Thomas Cajetan (d. 1534): a life in service of the truth
88 10 August 2024 Cotignac: the first apparitions of the Modern Era (1519)
89 12 August 2024 Maria Valtorta's astronomic observations consistent with her dating system
90 13 August 2024 The Holy Tunic of Argenteuil's fascinating history
91 14 August 2024 Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Knight of the Immaculate (d. 1941)
92 15 August 2024 The incorrupt body of Marie-Louise Nerbollier, the visionary from Diémoz (d. 1910)
93 16 August 2024 How Aïsha, a Muslim convert, found Jesus (2004)
94 17 August 2024 Blessed Angelo Agostini Mazzinghi: the Carmelite with flowers pouring from his mouth (d. 1438)
95 19 August 2024 Buenos Aires miraculous host sent to forensic lab, found to be heart muscle (1996)
96 20 August 2024 Blaise Pascal (d.1662): Biblical prophecies are evidence
97 21 August 2024 The silent apparition of Knock Mhuire in Ireland (1879)
98 22 August 2024 The discovery of the tomb of Saint Peter in Rome (1949)
99 23 August 2024 Souls in purgatory appear to Italian mystic "Mamma Natuzza" (d. 2009)
100 24 August 2024 Hollywood discovered something that Christianity knew all along
101 26 August 2024 Saint Louis (d. 1270) and the relics of the Passion
102 27 August 2024 Mariam, the "little thing of Jesus": a saint from East to West (d.1878)
103 28 August 2024 Saint Augustine's conversion: "Why not this very hour make an end to my uncleanness?" (386)
104 29 August 2024 Heidi Baker: Bringing God's love to the poor and forgotten of the world
105 30 August 2024 Mary weeps in Syracuse (1953)
106 31 August 2024 Monk Abel of Valaam's accurate prophecies about Russia (d. 1841)
107 02 September 2024 Sister Benigna Consolata: the "Little Secretary of Merciful Love" (d. 1916)
108 03 September 2024 Blessed Antonio Franco, bishop and defender of the poor (d. 1626)
109 04 September 2024 Blessed Dina Bélanger (d. 1929): loving God and letting Jesus and Mary do their job
110 05 September 2024 Mother Teresa of Calcutta (d. 1997): an unshakeable faith
111 06 September 2024 Christianity gave rise to modern science
112 07 September 2024 The criterion of embarrassment proves that the Gospels tell the truth
113 09 September 2024 Frédéric Ozanam, inventor of the Church's social doctrine (d. 1853)
114 10 September 2024 For centuries, the Shroud of Turin was the only negative image in the world
115 11 September 2024 Cathedrals are true windows to Heaven
116 12 September 2024 The Holy Name of Mary and the major victory of Vienna (1683)
117 13 September 2024 Saint Faustina, apostle of the Divine Mercy (d. 1938)
118 14 September 2024 The dissimilarity criterion strengthens the case for the historical reliability of the Gospels
119 16 September 2024 Heaven and earth meet in Colombia: the Las Lajas shrine (1754)
120 17 September 2024 The incoherent arguments against Christianity
121 18 September 2024 Therese Neumann (d. 1962): a medical enigma
122 19 September 2024 At La Salette, Mary wept in front of the shepherds (1846)
123 20 September 2024 How Korea evangelized itself (18th century)
124 21 September 2024 Saint Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr (d. 61)
125 23 September 2024 Max Jacob: a liberal gay Jewish artist converts to Catholicism (1909)
126 24 September 2024 Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (d. 1968): How God worked wonders through "a poor brother who prays"
127 25 September 2024 Illfurth: hell in Alsace (1864)
128 26 September 2024 Dying in the odour of sanctity
129 27 September 2024 Saint Vincent de Paul (d. 1660), apostle of charity
130 28 September 2024 C.S. Lewis, the reluctant convert (1931)