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Spain, France, and Italy


Saint Dominic de Guzman: an athlete of the faith

With his cheerful and likable personality, Dominic took great joy in praying intensely and resolving difficult doctrinal questions, in order to defend the true teachings of Christ. As a canon in Osma, Spain, he acquired an in-depth knowledge of the Scriptures. His fervor in celebrating Mass was noticeable. He often lingered in the convent church, radiant, levitating in a state of ecstasy or in the company of angels. An ardent defender of sacred theology and doctrine, Dominic fought the Cathars' theories and obtained countless conversions of heretics. He founded the Order of Friars Preachers, and fought ardently for the salvation of souls. His devotion to Mary and his zeal for defending the Church made him a true athlete in the defence of the faith.

Detail of Saint Dominic of Guzman by Claudio Coello, c. 1685, Prado Museum, Madrid. CC0/wikimedia
Detail of Saint Dominic of Guzman by Claudio Coello, c. 1685, Prado Museum, Madrid. CC0/wikimedia

Les raisons d'y croire :

  • Dominic converted many people back to the true faith who had been seduced by the Cathar heresy. An example of piety and poverty, his joyful faith and contagious charity were responsible for many conversions. Where eminent preachers had failed to convince the Albigensians with their words, Dominic succeeded with his compassion. Until then, no one had brought such opposing parties together in the unity of the Catholicfaith better than he.
  • Endowed with profound humility, he refused to allow those close to him to reveal the miracles or mystical events in his life. He preferred focusing on prayer or preaching. Nevertheless, solid sources attest that Dominic, moved by compassion, healed a brother at death's door, saved people from drowning, delivered a demon-possessed man, multiplied the brothers' bread and wine rations, stopped a fire with his tunic, inexplicably acquired the gift of tongues, etc.
  • He prayed uncessantly and everywhere: prostrate on the ground or on his knees, with his arms raised or stretched sideways to imitate Jesus on the cross, seated while meditating on the divine Word, shedding tears while imploring God, singing and invoking the Virgin Mary, on the road, praising God even in the midst of heavy rain and exhausting journeys. His rich interior life revealed his friendship with Christ.
  • Endowed with profound wisdom, both in his contemplative and apostolic life, his remarkable influence spread throughout the world for more than eight centuries, through the order he founded. This longevity is a testament to Dominic's virtues. In fact, the Virgin Mary must have planned and prepared this new religious order, for she said, "This order belongs to me."
  • The Dominican order has produced countless saints, doctors, preachers, men and women religious, and tertiaries, whose way of life is inspired, to this day, by the evangelical wisdome and energy of Saint Dominic. The Order of Preachers gave the Church Saint Thomas Aquinas (a Doctor of the Church), Pope Saint Pius V, Saint Catherine of Siena and Fra Angelico.

Synthèse :

Born around 1170, the young Dominic came from an ancient Spanish family in Castile. Tradition says that his mother, being barren, made a pilgrimage to the Abbey of Silos, and dreamt that a dog leapt from her womb carrying a flaming torch in its mouth, and seemed to set the earth on fire. This dream was related to the future zeal and holiness of the child God eventually granted her. Then, on the day of his baptism, his godmother saw, again in a dream, the child's forehead marked with a radiant star - an omen of a unique destiny.

During his youth, Spain was desolated by famine. Dominic was so moved by the poverty he witnessed that to his fellow students' astonishment, he gave away his money and sold his clothes, furniture, and even precious manuscripts to feed the hungry.

At the age of fifteen, Dominique left to study north of Madrid, at the University of Palencia. After ten years devoted to the study of literature and philosophy, driven by a burning thirst for the Word of God, he devoted himself zealously to theology, leading a contemplative, fraternal and ascetic life. After becoming a canon of Osma Cathedral, he lived under the rule of Saint Augustine for nine years, helping to educate the people of the region.

In 1203, he was sent with his bishop on a diplomatic mission to northern Europe, to negotiate a marriage between the ruling families of Spain and Denmark. He had to travel through Languedoc, which was ravaged by the war between the Cathars and the Catholics - a conflict that was spreading to the south of France. Seeing the spiritual ravages the Albigensian heresy (Catharism) did to souls trapped in error, he lamented to God: "What will become of sinners?" Although he showed unfailing determination in his battles, those close to him nicknamed him the "gentle Father Dominic".

Faced with the learned and ascetic Cathars, he worked to sharpen his arguments in order to build up the true faith, and trained preachers in detachment and austerity. At the time, Catharism appealed to the belief that only the perfect could enter paradise. This Christian religious sect preached gnostic and dualistic beliefs, rejected the bonds of marriage, and lived in great austerity to detach from the material world and live in a state of purity, abstaining from meat and wine. The most influential families even adhered to this belief of a world divided between good and evil. Thanks to supernatural help and assiduous intellectual work, Dominic's wisdom won over many heretics.

Dominic traveled from one town to the next, winning debates and impressing his audience by the degree of austerity with which he lived his life. On one of these occasions, the judges, not being able to agree on who was the winner of the debate, decided to submit Brother Dominic’s libellus to an ordeal by fire. The saint’s libellus, his theological manual, was thrown into a fire three times, and each time the book was returned from the flames unharmed.

Saint Dominic would travel on foot, dressed in poor clothes, sleeping directly on the floor, like the first apostles, praying, fasting and imploring God for lost souls with tears. 

During public debates or meetings in private homes, he clearly explained the true faith, distinguishing it from personal opinions. Dominic's radiant face, proof of his great kindness, did not use pressure but respected people's freedom in accepting the true teaching of the divine Word. His zeal was crowned with success: the town's population usually ended up sending away the heretics among them.

He founded convents into which Dominican vocations poured. Conversions and miracles multiplied. One day, "two handsome young men appeared in the middle of the refectory, carrying loaves of bread in two white tablecloths. They placed before each brother a whole loaf of bread of admirable beauty. When they reached Blessed Dominic, they bowed their heads and disappeared" (Lacordaire, Vie de saint Dominique, Cerf, 2007, p. 180, excerpt from Sister Cecile's account).

Finally, he sent his brothers to study at the best universities in Europe. According to Pope Honorius III, these formidable preachers became "champions of the faith". One day, a student from Bologna asked Dominic: "Where did you study the most?" The gentle Father Dominic replied: "In the book of charity, more than in the books of men." Dominic died on August 6, 1221, in a cell of a convent in Bologna. He had no property of his own. His last words were: "Have charity among you; hold to humility; possess voluntary poverty.

Diane Suteau, author of the novel Les conquérants de lumière.

Au-delà des raisons d'y croire :

The first friar preachers were discreet about the countless miracles and conversions performed by Saint Dominic. However, we do know that he was a hugely esteemed and popular preacher. Many lives were certainly changed by the grace and truth emanating from his preaching.

Aller plus loin :

The Life of Saint Dominic by Bede Jarrett OP, Cluny Media LLC (December 26, 2018)


En savoir plus :

  • St. Dominic, by Mary Jean Dorcy, TAN Books; Revised ed. edition (January 1, 2009)
  • Saint Dominic's Way of Life: A Path to Knowing and Loving God  by Patrick Mary Briscoe Op and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk Op, Our Sunday Visitor (June 2, 2021)
  • The Spirit of St. Dominic by Humbert Clerissac OP, Cluny Media, LLC (December 29, 2015)

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