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Saint Gregory the Miracle-Worker

Gregory Thaumaturgus or Gregory the Miracle-Worker (also known as Gregory of Neocesarea) was born c. 214 in Neocaesarea (modern Niksar, Turkey) and died around 270 in the same city. After studying secular sciences in Alexandria, Egypt, he became a pupil of Origen, a scholar and theologian, in Caesarea, Palestine. After living in the solitude of the desert, where his only concern was to contemplate God and grow in holiness, he was compelled to become a bishop for the new diocese of Neocesarea. Blessed with a heavenly vision that gave him a better understanding of the apostolic faith, he taught it to his followers. He also performed numerous miracles that had the effect of converting many pagans to the true God. His feast day is on 17 November. The Orthodox Church also recognises him as a saint.

Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, mosaic in the church of the Byzantine monastery of Saint Luke in Boeotia (Greece). / © CC0 Wikimedia
Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, mosaic in the church of the Byzantine monastery of Saint Luke in Boeotia (Greece). / © CC0 Wikimedia

Les raisons d'y croire :

  • A miracle is an objective fact, and the first criterion for reporting it must be impartiality. St Gregory of Nyssa, in his Praise of Gregory Thaumaturgus, testifies to this: "Let all the technical subtleties of writers be silenced here, who, by some well-crafted speech, exaggerate miracles by adding amplifications to them. For the miracle is not of a nature to be diminished or enhanced by the power of the speaker in what he says. After all, what is gained by adding something extra to what is said? Or how can one diminish the amazement of the listeners at what has happened?" (Part IV). The author, who, a century later, drew up a portrait of Saint Gregory of Neocesarea, warned us that he was not embellishing the miracle with "pious exaggerations". Miracles are enough in themselves to demonstrate divine action by their supernatural nature. The saints who perform miracles do not act on their own: it is God who, through them, give us good things and does good and admirable deeds.

  • St Gregory of Nyssa, for example, reports that Gregory of Neocesarea drove evil spirits out of a famous temple dedicated to them and converted its guardian. The guardian cursed the bishop, who assured him that he could make him know the true God, if he wanted to know him. The guardian challenged Gregory to perform several miracles. One of the things Gregory did was to pray for a stone of considerable size to be moved. We can imagine that there were many onlookers each time: the pagan faithful who had come to offer their gifts and make their requests to the idols, or the simply curious, attracted by the showdown! The story was passed down orally until Saint Gregory of Nyssa put it down in writing (other written accounts have probably been lost).
  • Saint Gregory of Nyssa, who is known for his rigorous thinking and logic, would not have reported these facts without first checking the reliability of their historical sources. Louis Bouyer, for example, an early-20th century Jesuit writer, considered him to be "one of the most powerful and original thinkers known to the history of the Church, one of the rare writers of whom we can be sure that he read the Ancients in their entirety and assimilated them perfectly(La Spiritualité du Nouveau Testament et des Pères, Aubier, 1960). On the other hand, no reasonable man - and the surviving books of Saint Gregory of Nyssa prove that he was eminently reasonable - would dare to publish information under his own name, that could later be disproved, as this would discredit his entire written work. Saint Gregory of Neocesarea therefore objectively deserves the name of "miracle-worker".

  • Gregory Thaumaturgus bore witness to the authenticity of his miracles through the holiness of his life. Unlike the actor who does not have to match his personal life with the character he portrays (in what is known as the paradox of the actor), this divergence is impossible for the saint. A man is holy when he is objectively united to the divine will.

Synthèse :

Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, brother of Saint Basil - himself bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia - and of Saint Macrina, a virgin consecrated to the Lord, delivered his Eulogy of Gregory Thaumaturgust probably in 379, when he was in the province of Pontus (a region on the southern coast of the Black Sea, located in the modern-day eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey): the other Gregory from the previous century, who had been the first bishop of Neocaesarea (now Niksar, in north-central Turkey), was a hero of his. He says he was a monk. This matches the canons of sanctity of the period in which he was writing: after the great waves of persecutions against Christians (effectively implemented for the western part by the Edict of Galerius in 311, and for the eastern part of the empire by the "Edict of Milan" of 313, which returned to the Christians the property confiscated since 303 when Diocletian's "great persecution" started), the highest form of sanctity, which had been martyrdom, was replaced by the monastic life.

But Gregory of Nyssa also portrays Gregory Thaumartugus as a miracle-worker (thaumaturgus (ὁ θαυματουργός) is, in the Christian era, a person who performs miracles). Thus we read - under the pen of the writer - that, during his secular studies in Alexandria, as several of his classmates (debauched boys) were envious of his virtuous reputation, dispatched a courtesan who interrupted the philosophy lecture which Gregory was attending, pretending he was one of her habitual clients. Gregory was unmoved, and just asked one of his fellow students to give the woman the money she demanded. When she received it, she screamed, her eyes rolling back in her head, and rolled on the floor, pulling out her hair. Gregory's prayer calmed her immediately, proving to everyone not only that her accusation was baseless, but also that his soul enjoyed intimacy with Almighty God.

Afterwards, Gregory was put in charge of the diocese of Neocesarea - against his wish, as he preferred to live in the peace of solitude with God - and he travelled through the territory entrusted to him: the countryside was still mostly pagan, and demon worship was widespread and regular. He went to one of the most prominent temples and, by his persevering prayers repeated throughout the night before the Holy Trinity, forced the demons that inhabited it to leave and forbade them to return. The next day, the guardian of the temple found it empty of evil spirits. In fury, he poured out his invectives against the saint, threatening to denounce him before the magistrates and the emperor himself! "Gregory responded to all his threats by offering him the covenant of the true God in exchange; he explained that, thanks to the power of the one who was fighting for him, he was endowed with such great strength that he had the power to cast out demons wherever he wished.(In Praise of Gregory the Thaumaturgist, Part IV). The man asked the bishop to prove his spiritual power once again, by ordering the demons to return: Gregory's written note on a piece of parchment: ("Gregory to Satan : 'Come!'"), placed on the temple altar by the guardian, was effective. A third miracle, requested and performed this time on a huge stone, which the saint's prayer moved to the place designated by the guardian, finally convinced him: he converted to the true God and, leaving his home, his family and all his possessions, he became a disciple of the saint in order to study the divine word with him. For miracles have no other purpose than to lead to God: "If indeed the power of the servant is so great... that he can command even created things without souls, we can imagine how much more superior the power of the master of the universe must be - he whose will became matter, organisation and power of the universe itself, of everything in it and everything that transcends it." ( ibid.) Through the admiration they arouse about divine omnipotence in the minds of those who witness them, miracles point to God as the One who watches over the good of every human being.

Father Vincent-Marie Thomas, ph.D  

Aller plus loin :

Life and Panegyric of Gregory by St. Gregory of Nyssa (P.G., XLVI, col. 893 sqq.)

En savoir plus :

  • Historia Miraculorum, by Rufinus;
  • an account in Syriac of the great actions of Blessed Gregory (sixth-century manuscript);
  • St. Basil, De Spiritu Sancto.
  • The monastery of Osios Loukas - i.e. the monastery of St Luke, near Delphi - is famous for its 11th-century gold mosaics. One of them depicts Saint GregoryThaumaturgus
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