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Les visionnaires


Tuesday 25 January 1944

Maria Valtorta saw only one pyramid at Giza in her visions... and she was right!

Between 1943 and 1954, the Italian Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta received more than 600 visions of the life of Jesus in the Holy Land, which she transcribed in thousands of handwritten pages. It was not until the following decades that scientists began to verify, one by one, the thousands of factual details contained in her writings and noted their extraordinary accuracy.

In particular, Maria Valtorta reports that the Holy Family, fleeing the massacre of the Innocents, found refuge in Egypt. In vision 36, which she received on Tuesday 25 January 1944, Maria Valtorta saw a scene of the Holy Family taking place in Al-Matariyyah (a suburb of Cairo), when Jesus was only a very small child.

Pyramids of the Giza plateau / ©CC0 Mouad Mabrouk, via Pexels.
Pyramids of the Giza plateau / ©CC0 Mouad Mabrouk, via Pexels.

Reasons to believe:

  • Her description includes the words: "I see the desert and a pyramid" and "in the distance behind the pyramid".

  • However, there is not one but several pyramids on the Giza plateau. The three largest pyramids - the Pyramid of Khufu (also called the Great Pyramid, or Cheops), the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure - should all be visible from Cairo, as this city is only thirteen kilometres north-east of the pyramids.
  • But when seen from Al-Matariyyah (Matarea), where the Holy Family resided, you can see that Cheops masks Khafre and Menkaure, as the three great pyramids are perfectly aligned. This detail cannot be made up.
  • It should also be pointed out that Maria Valtorta never physically visited these sites. She lived most of her life bedridden in her house in Viareggio (Italy), in continual prayer and self-offering to God.
  • This detail, because it corresponds so closely to reality, shows that Maria Valtorta didn't create her visions from her imagination. She was faithfully expressing and describing them, just as she experienced them.


Maria Valtorta was an Italian Catholic mystic who was born in 1897 and died in 1961. She joined the Third Order of Servites and led a life of prayer withdrawn from the world in her house in Viareggio, confined to her bed due to ongoing physical suffering. Between 1943 and 1954, she received hundreds of visions and dictations from Jesus, Mary, some saints and her guardian angel. Her "private revelations" included detailed visions that constitute an extended narrative of the life of Jesus through more than six hundred immersive scenes. The work was translated into 29 languages and published in English successively under the titles Poem of the Man God and The Gospel as Revealed to Me

At Jesus' request, Maria Valtorta painstakingly described the scenes (topography, architecture, customs, fauna, flora, weather conditions, astronomical observations, etc.), portrayed the people (names, origins, functions, physiognomy, temperament, etc.) and transcribed their dialogues word for word. She covered some nine thousand manuscript pages in the space of four years. She also received many theological, cosmogonic and pastoral teachings of striking depth, collected in six other volumes, and maintained an important correspondence with her spiritual director Father Romualdo Maria Migliorini, with Archbishop Alfonso Carinci, and with the Carmelite Mother Teresa Maria of Saint Joseph.

Through these revelations, Jesus told her that his aim was to be better known by souls, to support priests in their ministry, and to re-evangelise the world. But the publication of her writings was no easy.

After Maria Valtorta's death, researchers from various countries began to go through the thousands of pages left by Maria Valtorta, line by line, to verify the details they contained.

Let's take an example. In visions 119.1, 133.4 and 247.8, Maria Valtorta reports that the Holy Family, fleeing the massacre of the Innocents, found refuge in Matarea (or Al-Matariyyah), on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. In vision 36, which she received on Tuesday 25 January 1944, Maria Valtorta saw a scene of the Holy Family taking place in Matarea, Egypt, when Jesus was only a very small child.

Commenting on what she saw, Maria Valtorta introduced her transcription with these lines:

"Sweet vision of the Holy Family. It's in Egypt. I cannot doubt it, for I see the desert and a pyramid. I see a little house, all white and on one level. It's a poor house belonging to very poor people. The walls are barely plastered and covered with a single coat of limewash paint. This little house has two doors, next to each other, which give access to two single rooms which, for the moment, I am not entering. It is in the centre of a small sandy field enclosed by reeds pushed into the ground as a feeble defence against thieves. It can only be used against some stray dog or cat. But, in fact, who would have the idea of stealing where it is obvious that there is no shadow of wealth? [...]"(EMV 36.1).

Further on, Maria Valtorta notes: "We can see that [Mary's work] is finished and that evening is coming. Indeed, the sun is descending over the bare sands and, in the distance, behind the pyramid, a veritable fire fills the whole sky" (EMV 36.3).

Here, the words "I see the desert and a pyramid" and "in the distance behind the pyramid" might surprise the informed reader. In fact, there is not one but several pyramids on the Giza plateau. And of the pyramids there, those of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the three largest, are clearly visible from Cairo, just 13 kilometres to the north-east. Maria Valtorta's vision could therefore be seen as inaccurate.

But in reality, if you happen to be in Matarea, where the Holy Family lived, you can only see one pyramid in the distance, as the largest pyramid of Cheops conceals the other two smaller ones, perfectly aligned behind it. As for the other, smaller pyramids, they are not high enough to be visible on the horizon. Only an observer present at the site could have reported this singular alignment.

Fabrice-Marie Gagnant

Going further:

Zenit News article "Maria Valtorta: Science and Faith Converge" 

More information:

  • Free e-book Maria Valtorta Summa and Encyclopedia 
  • The other articles in 1000 Reasons to Believe present Maria Valtorta's visions, the factual details that have been verified and the Church's position on them.
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