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Turin, Italy


Don Bosco's angel dog: Grigio

In 1854, at a time when Don Bosco had been the victim of assaults and assassination attempts, a huge, mysterious grey dog entered his life and became his vigilant and unfailing bodyguard, sometimes disappearing for very long periods of time, but returning with disconcerting punctuality whenever Don Bosco was in danger, as if a signal put him on the priest's path when he needed him. All attempts to find the owner of the dog were in vain, as no one knew the animal. This incredible friendship between the priest and the dog, who he called il Grigio ("the Grey", because of its coat) lasted almost forty years. And that's not even the most disconcerting detail of the story!

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED / myri_bonnie via flickr
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED / myri_bonnie via flickr

Les raisons d'y croire :

  • Don Bosco, despite having countless mystical experiences, was a down-to-earth man of Piedmontese peasant stock. So he looked for an ordinary explanation for the appearance of the dog. He and his family made enquiries throughout the neighbourhood to find the dog's owner. To no avail: nobody knew the animal. Apart from his occasional presence at Don Bosco's side, he was usually not seen by people.
  • Yet the dog was real: Grigio soon became a regular at Casa Pinardi, arriving whenever Don Bosco had to go out and taking him home. Dozens of people, children, adults and priests, had the opportunity to see the dog, pet him, and play with him.
  • All of them could testify that Grigio sensed the dangers that threatened Don Bosco. A few times, he prevented the priest from leaving the house by standing in the way of the door and growling at him, which saved him from being attacked several times. He also went looking for him when Don Bosco was in town, as if he always knew where to find his master.
  • On the one occasion when Don Bosco was nearly murdered in the dog's absence, Grigio sprang out of nowhere to put the thugs to flight.
  • This attack and guard dog, ferocious when his master's life was at risk, was gentle otherwise, especially with the children at the oratory, allowing his ears and tail to be tugged without flinching or growling, and not even frightening the little ones, being for them sweet as a cuddly toy.
  • Moved by the animal's loyalty, and convinced that they were dealing with a stray dog in search of a home (and all the hungrier for being so huge), Don Bosco and his family offered him something to eat. But Grigio never accepted any food, not even treats that no dog could resist. The fact is that Grigio never ate...
  • For a year, Grigio stayed close to Don Bosco, like a four-legged guardian angel, until the danger disappeared. Then he too disappeared, as if he knew he was no longer needed by his master. Don Bosco thought he may be dead, but ten years later, when he was lost in the building sites of a new district of Turin, weak and almost blind, Grigio returned and took him to the place where he was supposed to go, then vanished once again. The same adventure happened again in identical circumstances in 1883.
  • It didn't take long to work out that, for 32 years, this dog had always turned up at just the right moment to get Don Bosco out of trouble. Grigio's incredible longevity must be recognised, as he was approaching forty - an impossible age for a dog, especially a stray - and he clearly never seemed to grow old. In truth, Griogio was no ordinary animal.

Synthèse :

One evening in November 1854, Don Bosco was late returning to Casa Pinardi, the youth centre he had set up in Turin and which had made him many enemies. Once a force of nature, capable of getting the upper hand in a fight, the priest had never recovered from the pneumonia that almost killed him in 1846 and left him weakened. Some people in town, who were annoyed by him, had put a price on his head. Don Bosco knew it. Moreover, they had already tried to kill him... Being a prudent man, he avoided wandering the streets alone at night, but on that night he had lost track of time and, as he walked exhausted in the rain and fog towards his house, he sensed danger. And although he had just spotted some menacing figures who seemed to be waiting for him, there was nowhere to take refuge in case of need! Resigned, Don Bosco continued on his way when, out of nowhere, the biggest dog he had ever seen appeared. It was an exceptionally large, dark grey-haired hound, and Don Bosco was scared when he first saw it, but his fear was quickly put to rest, because this monster was not aggressive. On the contrary! The animal lay at his feet as if it were his master, its eyes brimming with affection, and would lick his fingers. Then, trotting along beside him, heled him back to his home, where he seemed to know the address and the way.

Reassured by his presence, Don Bosco resumed his nocturnal errands. One evening, unfortunately, Grigio, who usually warned his friend not to go out when there was danger, was not there, and Don Bosco went out. When he returned, it was night and the streets were deserted. Two men were in ambush. Distraught, Don Bosco headed back towards the town centre in search of a lighted house, when he heard the two killers closing in on him. They grabbed him, threw a cloak over his head and thrust a handkerchief into his mouth. Don Bosco struggled, but he was no match for them! Suddenly, he heard a large animal coming, barking like mad and hurling its ninety kilos of muscle at the assailants, who fled in terror. Don Bosco then saw Grigio, now as gentle as a lamb, rushing over to lick his face...

For a year, Grigio shared Don Bosco's daily life, and his presence finally discouraged the priest's enemies who had felt his teeth. When the danger disappeared, so did Grigio. A pragmatist, despite the bizarre nature of the case, Don Bosco resigned himself to the loss of his dog, which he thought was dead. He was mistaken...

In 1864, more than ten years after Grigio's last visit, Don Bosco, who was then old and blind, got lost on his way to a friend's house one evening in a district he knew little about. He had been walking in circles for a long time when he felt a wet nose against his palm: Grigio had returned! And, as if he knew where his master was going, he led him to his friends' door, then disappeared again. Ten years is a long time in the life of a dog, especially a stray, abandoned and neglected one. Don Bosco began to admit that he was disconcerted.

In 1883, nineteen years after their last reunion, old Don Bosco once again got lost in the Bordighera district. And Grigio, who, unlike his master, had not turned a hair white and was still as frisky as a young dog, grabbed him by the flap of his cassock and led him, with his infallible flair, to his destination.

At the end of his life, St John Bosco would confide his perplexity to friends and family, who had all known Grigio and wondered what this creature really was: "To say that he was an angel would certainly be laughed at, but one cannot say that he was just an ordinary dog..."

Anne Bernet is a specialist in Church history, postulator of a cause for beatification and journalist for a number of Catholic media. She is the author of over forty books, most of them on holy lives.

Aller plus loin :

The Life Of Saint John Bosco: Biographical memoirs and Legacy of saint John Bosco by Cole M. Gabriel, Independently published (January 30, 2024)

En savoir plus :

  • St. John Bosco and His Big Gray Dog by Hayley Medeiros (Author, Illustrator), Caritas Press (April 14, 2015)

  • Forty Dreams Of St. John Bosco: From St. John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs by John Bosco, TAN Books; Revised ed. edition (February 1, 1997)

  • Roadmap to Heaven by St. John Bosco, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family & Property, The (T F P) (February 7, 2023)

  • The life of St John Bosco by Ronald Jason,  Independently published (December 7, 2023)

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