France, Maine-et-Loire department
October 1793 to July 1794
The martyrs of Angers and Avrillé
During the French Revolution, between October 1793 and July 1794, more than 2,000 people were executed after a sham trial, either guillotined at the Place du Ralliement in Angers, or shot at a place called La Haye-aux-Bonshommes, in the commune of Avrillé, just outside the town, on a piece of land that has since been called the Field of Martyrs. Their crime? Their loyalty to the Church and to Christian principles of governing society. Their beliefs, considered incompatible with the revolutionary project of creating a "new man" freed from Catholic "superstitions", were billed as "fanaticism". In 1984, Pope John Paul II beatified Father Guillaume Repin, the 85-year-old parish priest of Thouarcé, and 98 other victims of these massacres, recalling that their sacrifice mysteriously helped to prevent the massive and total de-Christianisation of France that the revolutionary authorities had intended. The memory of the Angers martyrs is celebrated on 1 February, the day on which 400 people were executed in 1794.
Stained glass window of Marie-Anne Vaillot and Odile Baumgarten, martyrs of Angers, Saint-Louis-du- Champ-des-Martyrs chapel in Avrillé / © CC BY-SA 4.0 GO69
Reasons to believe:
- Although this is not always the case - many of the victims were massacred without any legal formality, which prevents any beatification procedures from being investigated - the cases of the martyrs of Angers and Avrillé are well documented.
- Of the thousands of victims buried in the Champ des Martyrs, the Church has chosen to exclude cases with political connotations (royalist opinions or participation in the Vendée insurrection) and to retain only 99. There is no doubt that hatred of the faith motivated their execution and that they preferred death to denying their Catholic faith.
- The fate of these 99 denotes a great faith in Christ and in eternal life: indeed, these martyrs could quite easily have escaped death at the price of denying their convictions. That they preferred an abominable end to this betrayal proves the divine action in their souls, which filled them with strength and courage right to the end.
- The minutes of their interrogations, which were intended to make them recant or take the oath they had refused, attest not only to a rare courage, but also to a sense of repartee and inspiration which, in people who were often very simple, seemed to come from on high.
Two Daughters of Charity, Sister Marie-Anne and Sister Odile, prophesied not only the date of their death (1 February 1794), but also the exact circumstances of their execution. Sister Odile, who was afraid of suffering, announced that she would be the first of the group to be shot by the executioners and that she would be killed instantly by "several bullets that would pierce her". Sister Marie-Anne announced that the first shot would only wound her - her arm was in fact broken by a bullet - and that she would have to be finished off.
The attitude of the two nuns was so admirable that witnesses wanted to collect relics. A woman picked up the rosary that Sister Odile had dropped and one of the executioners took away their bloody clothes, making no secret of the fact that he considered them so precious that he "would not give them up for anything in the world".
- Even before the Terror was over, Catholics from Angers and the surrounding area began to visit the mass grave where the martyrs were buried, reporting miracles and healings. This led to the building of a chapel dedicated to Saint Louis in 1852, and then to the opening of the cause for beatification at the beginning of the 20th century, which was successfully concluded in 1984.
Eighteenth-century France is often portrayed as having embraced the ideas of the philosophers of the Enlightenment and as being increasingly indifferent to religious matters. This was true of the populations of certain Parisian suburbs, the future armed wings of the Revolution, of certain intellectual elites belonging to the upper bourgeoisie or to a fringe of the nobility and the Court, even in the entourage of the royal family. These people, who had made a clean break with Catholic morality, no longer practised and mocked those who still did, were the opinionshapers of the day, as they were the only ones seen and heard. Their agitation and propaganda conceal the deep silent attachment of a majority of French people, from all backgrounds, all origins, all regions, to the Catholic faith. Although not everyone found the courage to oppose the persecution at the risk of their lives, thousands nevertheless preferred martyrdom to apostasy.
From the autumn of 1793, as the revolutionary authorities regained control of the western provinces, which had been insurgent the previous spring, commissions arrived in Angers with the task of suppressing all forms of resistance and imposing the policy of Terror and de-Christianisation everywhere. From the end of December, in addition to many Vendéen prisoners, thousands of people were crammed into the city's prisons , often former religious houses. Hygiene conditions were appalling, as was the overcrowding, which encouraged epidemics. Among them were rebellious priests, nuns and religious sisters, and above all many women who had kept Catholic worship going underground, hiding their parish priest and others. Despite appearances, the charges against them were very serious: opposing the nation's policy of regeneration and being guilty of fanaticism, in other words continuing to profess the Catholic faith. This "crime" was punishable by death, which was systematically applied to these major offenders.
In the context of the 1793 Vendée uprising, which partly explains the extreme brutality of the local revolutionary authorities, presided over by the Conventionaries on a mission, Hentz and Francastel, and the atrocities they covered up, the Church made a selection from among the victims buried in the Champ des Martyrs, discarding those with political connotations - royalist opinions or participation in the insurrection - to retain only 99. The chosen ones were 12 priests (Guillaume Repin, Pierre Tessier, Laurent Bâtard, Jean-Michel Langevin, François-Louis Chartier, Jacques Ledoyen, Joseph Moreau, François Peltier, André Fardeau, Jacques Laigno de Langellerie, René and Jean-Baptiste Lego, who had refused to take the oath to the civil constitution of the clergy, deemed schismatic by Rome, an oath which would have made them civil servants under the new regime), two Daughters of Charity of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Sisters Marie-Anne Vaillot and Odile Baumgarten), a Benedictine nun from Calvaire (Sister Rosalie Céleste de LaSorinière), 12 women and girls from the local nobility, 6 middle-class women, 63 women and 3 men from the popular classes, all accused of hiding priests, sometimes their own sons, or refusing to attend the masses of the sworn in priests).
Contrary to popular belief, the majority of those tortured belonged to the lower classes, not the nobility. Their responses during interrogation were remarkable. Antoine Fournier, a weaver from Cholet, was indignant about the desecration of the Eucharist and the destruction of crosses. Worse still, he had hidden his son, a priest. When asked: "Would you suffer death to defend your religion?" he laconically replied "yes"which was enough to warrant his death, with this justification: "Father of a refractory priest and worthy of being one".
Rosalie de La Sorinière, expelled from her convent, was guillotined in Angers on 27 January 1794 for having said that she "was sad about the Revolution" because of the misfortune and violence it caused. When she was offered the chance to save her own life by giving up her Benedictine habit, Sister Rosalie refused, and when, on the way to the scaffold the next day, despite the cold and rain, she stripped off her cloak to cover a poor woman who had just insulted her, everyone realised that she had died wearing her religious habit.
Rose Quenon, a 28-year-old servant, had the misfortune of being very pretty. One of the judges promised to spare her life in exchange for sexual favours. The young girl indignantly refused and was shot.
Several people, including some of the executioners, tried to save the Daughters of Charity, who were very popular because of the good they did. They were offered the chance to write a forgery in which they would claim to have taken the oath. They refused. On their way to martyrdom, they sang, like their companions, the hymn to Our Lady of Good Death: "I trust in your help, O Virgin." Sister Odile dropped her rosary and, when she bent down to pick it up, someone deliberately crushed her hand with all his weight, causing her such pain that she almost fainted. Supporting her, Sister Marie-Anne whispered to her: "A crown is destined for us! Let's not miss it today".
In accordance with the old adage of Tertullian - "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians" - the death of the Angers martyrs, like that of the many victims killed throughout France during or after the Terror "in hatred of the faith" prevented the revolutionaries from carrying out their programme to eradicate Catholicism and, in the 19th century, brought about an unexpected renewal of faith and great works of charity. Less than a hundred years after the Revolution, three quarters of the missionaries who set out to evangelise the world were French.
After the isolated beatification in 1926 of a priest, Abbé Noël Pinot, who was guillotined in Angers on 2 February 1794 and went to the scaffold in his priestly vestments, singing the introit of the Mass ("Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam " : "I shall go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth"), the diocese of Angers continued to investigate the cases until the beatification of the 99 martyrs by Pope John Paul II in 1984.
Anne Bernet is a Church History specialist, postulator of a cause for beatification and journalist for a number of Catholic media. She has published over forty books on the topic of holiness.
Beyond reasons to believe:
The uprising in the western provinces, which demanded the free re-establishment of Catholic worship and did not lay down their arms until they had obtained it, as well as the astonishing number of martyrs and the persistence of the clandestine worship, convinced Napoleon Bonaparte, after he took power in 1799, to negotiate a concordat with Rome, restoring the French Church to some extent to its rightful place.
The free sacrifice of the martyrs, who preferred death to denial, so powerfully counterbalanced the crimes and sacrileges committed at the same time that they not only saved Catholicism in France, but also, thanks to an exceptional flowering of missionary vocations in the following century, enabled the conversion of continents still closed to Christ.
Going further:
André Merlaud, Les martyrs d'Angers 1793-1794, Éditions SOS, 1984 (French edition)