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Nanterre and Paris, France


Germanus of Auxerre's prophecy about Saint Genevieve's future mission, and protection of the young woman

In September 429, the bishops Germanus of Auxerre and  Lupus of Troyes (Gaul) made a stop in Nanterre on their way to Great Britain. Severus, the town's leading dignitary, a former cavalry officer of Frankish origin, his wife and their only daughter Genevieve, aged seven, were there to welcome them. On seeing the child, Germanus exclaimed: "Happy parents whose child will be held in veneration! You should know that there was a great feast in heaven when she was born!" Then he asked the little girl if she wanted to consecrate her virginity to God. Genevieve replied that it was her dearest wish. The next day, he laid his hands on her and gave her this astonishing advice: "Go, my daughter, and act like a man!"

In 446, Germanus saw Genevieve again. She had moved to Paris after the death of her parents and had taken over her father's position as town councillor. Although she led an edifying life, she was criticised for having followed Germanus's instructions too closely and meddling in matters reserved for men. Germanus announced that God would use her to save the city from great danger. The prophecy came true in the spring of 451, when Attila the Hun's army was about to lay siege to Paris, and its population about to flee. Genevieve organised the resistance efforts. Her detractors were planning to kill her when Germanus, who had died in 448, found a way to intervene and silence her enemies.

Stained glass window of Saint Genevieve meeting Saint Germain and Saint Loup, Saint-Julien-du-Sault church / © CC BY-SA 3.0 / Convivial94
Stained glass window of Saint Genevieve meeting Saint Germain and Saint Loup, Saint-Julien-du-Sault church / © CC BY-SA 3.0 / Convivial94

Reasons to believe:

  • The Life of Saint Genevieve, which recounts the meetings between the young girl and the bishop of Auxerre, was undoubtedly written only fifteen years after Genevieve's death in 512, when many witnesses were still alive and could have pointed out errors or exaggerations. Everything it contains is historically coherent and credible.
  • Germanus, born in Auxerre around 378, was one of the leading figures of his time. He held high offices, firstly civil and military, then religious, when in 418 he became bishop of Auxerre, which did not prevent him from continuing to exercise command on the battlefield. So he was a rational man who didn't get carried away by dreams.
  • The idea of a "set-up" would be absurd. Germanus had never met Genevieve before his visit of Nanterre, and, if he had wanted someone to play a future role to serve his own interests, Genevieve was not the best person to choose: she was much too young, a girl, and of barbarian origin through her father.
  • St. Germanus died in Ravenna, Italy, during a visit to the imperial court, on 31 July 448. It is astonishing that, on his deathbed, he should have thought of this young girl whom he barely knew, and decided to send her a token of his esteem and protection. It is also providential that his messenger, who didn't get to Paris to deliver his late bishop's gift to its recipient until two years later, arrived at the very moment when the panicked Parisians, ready to do anything to leave their threatened city, were about to kill Genevieve because she opposed their flight - right on time to save her life.
  • By discerning the girl's surprising future, putting her in the spotlight and protecting her, even after her death, Germanus allowed Genevieve to have an impact on the course of history. She succeeded in imposing her views during the Hunnic invasion, putting a definitive stop to the danger posed by these Barbarians.
  • Germanus's prophecies came to pass, and his protégée Genevieve became a religious and political figure capable of influencing events and playing a national role, particularly in the conversion of Clovis.


On his way to Great Britain, Bishop Germanus of Auxerre stopped off at Nanterre and had a revelation about the future holiness of his hosts' daughter. Despite her young age, she was willing to consecrate her virginity to God, and Germanus performed the rite the next day, perhaps giving her the status of deaconess, a female ministry that was specific to the early Church but later disappeared.

After the death of her parents, Genevieve moved to Paristo live with her grandmother. Having inherited her father's position as decurion - the equivalent of a deputy mayor - as the office was hereditary and not elective, she took a seat on the city council, which annoyed many people. In addition, she taught catechism to women and, in possession of the family fortune, distributed it widely in alms. She gathered around her young girls who shared her commitment to the consecrated life. When she fell very ill, she apparently had a near-death experience and visited the afterlife. When she recovered, she dared to report what she had seen, preaching in public and alienating the civil and religious authorities, who reproached her for not keeping to the place reserved for women. In this she was following Germanus's injunction to "Act like a man" ("Age viriliter").

A campaign of slander ensued, but Germanus's unexpected arrival in Paris put a stop to it, as he came to her defence and revealed her sanctity, fasts and penances and announced that the day would come when the city would owe its survival to her. This was the last time that the bishop and Genevieve saw each other in this world, as Germanus died in 448 while travelling to Ravenna, the imperial capital at the time.

On his deathbed, he instructed a priest from his entourage, when he returned to Gaul, to bring Genevieve eulogies, i.e. little gifts he had blessed, to be remembered by. We don't know why the messenger didn't carry out his task until May 451, when Attila's hordes, having pillaged and burnt Metz, laid siege to Orléans and intended to lay siege to Paris, whose inhabitants planned to flee. Genevieve exhorted the population to stay, and instead to fast and pray to the Lord, assuring them that God would protect them, that the Huns would spare the city, and that the fate of Gaul and the West depended on their resistance, as she would give Flavius Aetius time to gather troops and come to their aid. The men refused to believe the woman they called "the Barbarian" - because of her father's origins - and prepared to kill her for trying to convince the women to stay. Just then, Germanus's messenger arrived in Paris and reminded the city leaders of his bishop's prophecy about Genevieve, whom he had said was destined to one day save Paris. The young woman was spared and Attila, who didn't want to waste time besieging such a small town, took another route, proving Genevieve's predictions right. From then on, Genevieve was to exert a decisive influence on the political and strategic choices made by the Parisians.

Anne Bernet, a specialist in Church History, postulator of a cause for beatification and journalist for a number of Catholic media. She is also the  author of over forty books, most of them devoted to holiness

Beyond reasons to believe:

Even though the path to the priesthood was imposed on him rather than a personal choice, Germanus strove to honor God and to become a pious bishop, renouncing his former life and pleasures in order to become holy, to the point where he was credited with several miracles and gifts of prophecy, which he displayed in particular during his meetings with Genevieve.

Going further:

Life of Saint Germanus of Auxerre by Constantius of Lyons (ca 480 AD)

More information:

  • Mgr Louis Prunel, Saint Germain d'Auxerre, Lecoffre, 1929.
  • Jean-Pierre Soisson, Saint Germain d'Auxerre, Éditions du Rocher, 2011.
  • Anonymous, Vie de sainte Geneviève, 6th century.
  • Emmanuel Bourassin, Sainte Geneviève, Éditions du Rocher, 1997.
  • Joël Schmidt, Sainte Geneviève et la fin de la Gaule romaine, Perrin, 1987.
  • The Diocese of Paris video series on the life of Saint Geneviève, in particular " La vocation de Geneviève ".
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