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The prophetic poem about John Paul II

When Karol Wojtyla became the first pope from a Slavic country, on October 1978, the Polish bishops immediately thought of the "prophetic poem" written in the first half of the 19th century by Juliusz Slowacki (1809 - 1849), one of Poland's greatest poets: 

"In the midst of discord, God makes the enormous drone resound,
To a Slavic pope, he opens access to the throne of thrones,
He who will not flee from the sword, like this Italian,
He, bold as God, will face the sword!
The world is dust.
The crowds will swell and follow him to the Light that God inhabits.
He will cleanse the wounds of the world of their filth and vermin.
He will cleanse the sanctuaries of the churches and sweep their thresholds.
He will reveal God as clear as day.
It takes strength to bring back to God a world that is his!
So here he comes, the Slavonic pope, the brother of the peoples!”

"Behold, the Slavic pope is coming,

a brother of the people.
Behold, he already pours the world’s balm
on our breasts.
And the angel-choir sweeps flowers
toward his throne.
He distributes love, as lords today
distribute arms.
Above him the beautiful sky is opened
from either side.
Across nations he acts as brother,
the voice sent forth.
He brings health, enkindles love
and saves the world."

  John Paul II in 1991 / ©CC0/wikimedia
John Paul II in 1991 / ©CC0/wikimedia

Reasons to believe:

  • It is indeed striking that the first non-Italian pope in centuries is Slav and comes from Poland.
  • The words of the poem also describe the courage and special drive of Pope John Paul The Great, who faced adversity, the world and communism at a high price, with the attack that almost cost him his life and which caused him a great deal of suffering.
  • John Paul II also attracted huge crowds, more than any man before him, with the World Youth Days and all the trips he went on.
  • We can also see the very broad and profound teaching that he gave to the world, with the help of Cardinal Ratzinger who, after becoming Benedict XVI, continued this work.
  • Finally, it is the extraordinary strength and energy mobilised to launch the "new evangelisation" that stand out as the central features of this pope and his pontificate.
  • In short, this prophetic poem is an excellent summary of the extraordinary action and destiny of Pope Saint John Paul II.


The astonishing "prophetic poem", written by Juliusz Słowacki, one of the greatest Polish poets of the 19th century, contributed to the expectation of a "Slavonic Pope" who would come from Poland.

The poem in question is entitled Król-Duch, in Polish, which literally translates as "Spirit-King". It was written in the 1840s and is considered one of Słowacki's most important works. The poem is both prophetic and messianic in tone, and has been interpreted by many Poles as a prediction about the future of the country and the Catholic Church, which found fulfilment when Cardinal Wojtyla became John Paul II, the first non-Italian pope for centuries, on October 16, 1978.

In Król-Duch, Słowacki presents a vision of a future pope from the Slavic nation, who will be a defender of justice and freedom. This pope is seen as a spiritual guide and saviour for oppressed Poland. The idea of the "Slav pope" in Słowacki's poem has been interpreted as a symbol of hope and national rebirth for Poland, which at the time was facing a difficult period of partition and oppression by foreign powers.

Słowacki's poem had a lasting influence on Polish thought, and was used to nurture the nationalist and messianic sentiment of the Polish people. It reinforced the idea that Poland had a special destiny and played a crucial role in the history and mission of the Catholic Church.

In this way, Juliusz Słowacki's "prophetic poem" helped shape the expectation of a "Slavonic pope" in Poland and was an important part of the Polish collective imagination about the papacy and its connection with the nation.

The poem made an impression on the Polish people, and John Paul II could not have been unaware of it, since Slowacki, along with Norwid, was one of Karol Wojtyla's favourite writers and poets. The Polish bishops were delighted to remind Wojtyla of it just after his election. You might even think that John Paul II took pains to follow to the letter and in detail the 'programme' outlined by the famous Polish poet, who was buried near his home in Wawel Krakow.

Olivier Bonnassies

Beyond reasons to believe:

John Paul II's life was truly tied to the cross of Christ, through his difficult childhood under Nazi and Communist rules, through the death of his mother, brother and father, and through all that he had to endure afterwards as priest, archbishop, cardinal and pope.

Going further:

This excellent biographical documentary, "John Paul II, a Pope Who Made History"

More information:

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