Buenos Aires, Argentina
1986 to the present day
Mary Undoer of Knots: Pope Francis' gift to the world
In 1958, at the age of 19, Jorge Mario Bergoglio decided to join the Society of Jesus. Four years after being ordained a priest, at the age of 36, he was appointed provincial of the Jesuits in Argentina. In a country ravaged by a bloody dictatorship, the Society of Jesus was facing some particularly difficult issues. In this position, Padre Jorge brilliantly turned things around. His actions won him unfailing friendships and solid enmities. He was suddenly dismissed and relegated to a very humble position. It was then that the Blessed Virgin, through her secret intervention, helped bring back her valiant servant to a place of influence.
Mary untying the knots / © MDN Productions.
Les raisons d'y croire :
- From a very early age, Jorge Mario Bergoglio felt a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin: "At the age of eleven, I felt that she was made for me, that she was a familiar reference". "I believe in Mary, my Mother, who loves me and will never leave me alone ", he also wrote in 1969, on the eve of his ordination.
In 1986, Father Bergoglio was clearly "sidelined", with little chance of making a comeback. He submitted to the Argentinian hierarchy of the Society of Jesus, who, in order to remove him from his position of influence in Buenos Aires, sent him 700 kilometres away to serve as a modest parish priest. He would say of that time: "It was a night with a certain inner darkness."
- A nun, who lived in Germany and had not seen Father Bergoglio for many years, suddenly sent him a little card depicting Mary Undoer of Knots. She had no particular reason to contact him, yet the letter arrived at precisely this difficult period in Padre Jorge's life.
- The impact of this simple card was extraordinary. As he contemplated the card, Father Bergoglio's outlook suddenly changed: he understood that the knots in his life had to be placed in the hands of the mother of Jesus. She would take care of untying them; all he needed was faith.
- Father Bergoglio then had the inspiration and strength to use the "ant marketing" technique that would prove so effective in spreading the image in Argentina and elsewhere.
- Thirty-five years after receiving the little card, the novena to Mary Undoer of Knots,written by Father Juan Ramon Celeiro, has been distributed in twelve languages, with over a million copies sold. All over the world, the number of people of all ages and background who turn to Mary's intercession to untie the knots that are strangling their lives is truly impressive.
- It is only the multitude of testimonies of graces received at the end of this simple novena of prayer that explain this success and the growing word-of-mouth that makes this devotion so extraordinarily widespread.
Synthèse :
The Virgin Mary has over 2,000 titles, many of which are linked to places of apparitions (Lourdes, for example), Marian dogmas (the Immaculate Conception), theological titles or important historical events, etc. This latest name of "Mary Undoer of Knots" is only traced back to a little, simple postcard.
The postcard showed an original 300-year-old painting made by a minor Baroque artist, displayed in a small church in southern Germany. Mailed from Bavaria and delivered in Buenos Aires (Argentina), this postcard was to be the trigger of a great explosion of faith that would eventually irradiate the whole world.
Each of the individual elements that marked this explosion is easy to explain, but the way they came together is completely unexpected and providential. The starting point is particularly improbable. The fact that the devotion to "Mary Undoer of Knots" is for the little ones, the everyday people, the poor in spirit faced with difficulties seemingly insurmountable, let us perceive the finger of God, or rather the active maternal care and concern of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Here's a short history of how this modern devotion was born. It was early December 1986, the end of spring in South America. Argentina had just emerged from the military dictatorship: 30,000 dead or missing in six years, inflation at 1,000% a year had just been brought under control, along with the high unemployment ratethat goes hand in hand with inflation. Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit, was about to turn 50 (on 17 December). He was a man of great faith: "I believe in Mary, my Mother, who loves me and will never abandon me", he wrote in 1969, the day before his ordination. At the age of 36, in 1973, he was the youngest provincial, and the six years he spent at the head of the Province (which includes Argentina and Uruguay) - during which he was on several occasions in difficult negotiations with the state authorities - gave him a rich record of achievements.
- After a 50% decline in the number of Jesuits in fifteen years, Fr. Bergoglio managed to attract new vocations and fill the churches.
- To promote the faith and restore the dignity of the poor and their access to work, he built five churches and opened educational establishments.
- He protected priests and many other people with no connection to the Church who were persecuted by the junta. It is said that more than a hundred of them owe their lives to him.
- Finally, in a particularly delicate task, he succeeded in reversing the serious financial crisis that was threatening to sink the congregation, suffocated by debt.
But at the beginning of December, Padre Jorge had the impression that everything he had built had collapsed. On the initiative of his successor as a provincial, he began a thesis on Romano Guardini, but he was well aware that this request was intended to keep him out of the decision-making arena. A short time earlier, he was the head of the Society in this province, but now he was just a teacher and confessor in a college, with little prospect of advancement. His material living conditions were difficult. We can well imagine his state of mind...
With nothing else to do, he opened his mail and wrote Christmas cards to friends who had not forgotten him. From one of the envelopes he received fell a postcard showing an unknown representation of Mary: she is seen untying the knots of a ribbon handed to her by an angel. This card, sent by a nun he had met in the past, had a powerful impact on him: in the difficult period he had been going through for several months, he realised that the knots of life had to be placed in the hands of the mother of Jesus. All it takes is faith. Padre Jorgewas fascinated and amazed.
What followed is of epic proportion: a handful of faithful friends, and then an ever-growing army of people, made themselves available to Padre Jorge to distribute reproductions of the famous card. The Argentines immediately understood its symbolism and, at a time when they were finally starting to emerge from their suffering, confided in their heavenly Mother. At the doors of the churches where copies of the card could be found, one could see lines of faithful hoping to get a copy, to the point where masses had to be celebrated in the open air. The parish priest of one of these churches, Father Juan R. Celeiro, had the intuition during a priestly retreat that these starving souls needed spiritual nourishment, and composed the now world-famous novena.
On 27 June 1992, Padre Jorge was ordained a bishop by Cardinal Quarracino. On 13 March 2013, he was elected the 266th Pope and took the name of Francis, because, for him, Saint Francis is the man of the poor, the man of peace, and the man who loves and cares for Creation. He soon began receiving visitors, young and old, under the benevolent gaze of a painting depicting Mary Undoer of knots.
Dominique Chollet was director of Éditions du Gingko from 2000 to 2020, the company that has published the novena Marie qui défait les nœuds since its inception in Europe.
Au-delà des raisons d'y croire :
Testimonies abound of loosened "knots", i.e crosses and difficult situations concerning family, health, work, housing, money, addictions, studies, etc., gracefully solved or "untied" following a prayer to "Mary Undoer of Knots". Often, as a result of this heavenly assistance, people find their trust and faith in God renewed, and return to regular prayer.
Aller plus loin :
Untying Life's Knots: Mary Undoer of Knots Novena: The Mystery, Meditation, Prayer to the Blessed Mother Mary and Novena to the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots by Francis W. Philips, Independently published (December 1, 2023)