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Histoires providentielles

Western Europe

12th century

The supernatural reconciliation of the Duke of Aquitaine

In 1130, the Western Church was divided between two popes, Innocent II and Anacletus II. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153), who supported Innocent II, was extremely active and set about rallying all clerics and laypeople to the pope he considered legitimate. Although by 1134 almost all the major figures had rallied behind Innocent II, one of them, William X (1099 - 1137), Duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitiers, persisted in supporting Anacletus II, notably by persecuting the bishops loyal to Innocent II. After trying in vain to win him over with words, Bernard celebrated the Eucharist. After the consecration, a miracle occurred and the Count was persuaded to reconcile with the Bishop of Poitiers.

The conversion of William IX, by Alexandre Grellet, 1875. Painting on canvas, Saint-Laurent church, Parthenay / ©CC0
The conversion of William IX, by Alexandre Grellet, 1875. Painting on canvas, Saint-Laurent church, Parthenay / ©CC0

Reasons to believe:

  • With the unity of the Church at heart, Bernard de Clairvaux had tried to win William X over to Innocent II and the bishops in communion with him on several occasions and using various arguments, to no avail.
  • After mass, Bernard de Clairvaux took the host and held it up to the Duke, calling out to him once more. William X then collapsed, as if in convulsions. When Bernard de Clairvaux ordered him to reconcile with the Bishop of Poitiers - an opponent of Anaclet II - the Duke surprisingly complied, embracing him. After this inexplicable event, Aquitaine definitively sided with Pope Innocent II.
  • The consequences of this miracle - the Count's change of camp and his reconciliation with the Bishop of Poitiers, whom he had previously expelled for his loyalty to Innocent II - are historically undisputed.
  • The miracle was performed in the presence of numerous witnesses and involved two people who were very well known at the time: Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, and Guillaume, Count of Poitiers and Duke of Aquitaine. It is likely that one of the writers of the Life of Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, Arnaud de Bonneval, was also present.
  • The work that recounts the miracle - the second book of the Life of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux - was written during Bernard's lifetime, or just after his death, when most of the witnesses were still alive. It would have been easy to refute the statements if they were false.


In 1130, two men were elected popes: Pietro Pierleoni, who took the name Anacletus II (1130-1138), and Gregorio Papareschi, who took the name Innocent II (1130-1143). This double election unsettled the Western Church. Very quickly, between May and September 1130, the King of France, Louis VI (1108-1137), decided to convene a council in Étampes to examine the question. Following this council, the Church of France recognised Innocent II as the legitimate Pope. This decision was confirmed by the Council of Reims in October 1131. Henry I (1100-1135), King of England, and Lothaire III (1125-1137), who reigned in Germania, also joined Innocent II's side.

However, the very powerful Duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitiers, William (1126-1137), who was also the father of the famous Eleanor of Aquitaine, future Queen of France and England, supported Anacletus II, probably under the influence of Gerard of Blavia. Elected Bishop of Angoulême in 1102, Gerard was legate to four popes. In 1131, he also became archbishop of Bordeaux, while retaining his see of Angoulême. At the time of the schism, he sided with Anacletus II. Supporters of Innocent II suffered various persecutions (fines, confiscations, etc.). The bishops of Poitiers and Limoges were even driven from their sees and forced into exile.

Bernard, accompanied by a delegation of several bishops, including that of Chartres, met William X at the end of 1134 or the beginning of 1135. At a previous meeting, Bernard had succeeded in convincing the Count to rally to Innocent II, but the latter had subsequently changed his mind.

After a long argument based on the Bible, theology and history, the delegation managed to convince William X to rally to Innocent II. However, William refused to be reconciled with the bishops he had previously expelled from their sees because of their loyalty to Innocent II, believing that he had been personally offended by them.

Seeing that the discussion was going nowhere, Bernard decided to go and celebrate the Eucharist, while the Count stood at the door of the church. After the consecration, Bernard approached the Count with the paten and, inspired by a spirit of strength, placed him directly under the judgement of Christ: "We have prayed to you and you have despised us. In another meeting we have already had with you, the multitude of God's servants, gathered before you, begged you and you despised us. Behold, the Son of the Virgin Mary is coming to you, the head and Lord of the Church you are persecuting. Behold your Judge: at his name every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and in hell. This is your Judge: into his hands your soul will fall. Will you despise him too? Will you disdain him too, like his servants?"

William of Aquitaine then lost control of his body, collapsed and rolled on the ground. His knights picked him up, but he fell again. Unable to speak, he only moaned. Bernard, continuing to approach, ordered him to reconcile with the Bishop of Poitiers, who was also present, by giving him the kiss of peace. William obeyed, kissed the bishop and restored him to his seat. The Church of Aquitaine thus rallied to Innocent II.

David Vincent, doctoral student in the history of religions and religious anthropology at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris

Going further:

St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Oracle of the Twelfth Century by Abbé Theodore Ratisbonne, TAN Books; 900th Anniversary Edition (January 1, 1991) 

More information:

  • The Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux A.D. 1091-1153 by James Cotter Morison, Literary Licensing, LLC (March 30, 2014)

  • Lithograph: representation of the conversion of the Duke of Aquitaine, produced in 1850 by Beauvais Hippolyte.
  • Painting: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153) and William X (1099 - 1137), Duke of Aquitaine, by Martin Pepin (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Valenciennes, France).
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