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Les apparitions et interventions mariales

Banneux (Belgium)

January - March 1933

"Our Lady of the Poor" appears eight times in Banneux

 It was a cold and windy winter evening on 15 January 1933 in Banneux, Belgium; the ground was covered with snow and ice and snow. Inside a small house on the outskirts of the village, 11-year-old Mariette Beco was looking outside the window to wait for her brother Julien to come home. It was 7 o'clock in the evening. Suddenly, Mariette saw a beautiful lady in white standing in the front yard of their house and called to her to come out with a wave of her hand. The child's mother forbade her to go out, and locked the door. Seven other apparitions followed, between 18 January and 2 March. The Lady eventually delivered her message. She showed Mariette a spring and explained: "I have come to relieve suffering."

The Banneux spring / © CC BY-SA 3.0, Capitaine Cook.
The Banneux spring / © CC BY-SA 3.0, Capitaine Cook.

Reasons to believe:

  • Mariette passed on a message that she didn't fully comprehend. Because of her absences, she was two years behind at school. Even in catechism classes, which she has attended for less than two years, she was at the bottom of her class. For example, "nation" and "relieve" were words unknown to her and she asked what they meant afterwards. Similarly, she did not understand the expression "Believe in me, I will believe in you", which was in response to a request for a sign from Father Jamin, the parish priest of Banneux.

  • A painting was made to represent the "Virgin of the Poor". However, Mariette was not happy with it: the light in the painting depicted Mary illuminated from the outside, whereas, according to her, the light emanated from the inside. This detail couldn't have been invented except by a true witness. 
  • Mariette firmly stood by the phrasing that the Virgin use to introduce herself: "I am the Mother of the Saviour, the Mother of God". Some people tried to get her to add an "and" instead of a comma. This would not have been correct: if it had been, Mariette would have made a theological error by calling into question the dogma of the Holy Trinity. Mariette's assurance showed that she was sincere and inspired by the Holy Spirit in this formulation she was repeating.

  • On the evening of the second apparition, 18 January, Father Louis Jamin went to the family home to interview Mariette. He spoke to the little girl eight times, asking her pointed questions. The priest then certified that the child testified clearly and precisely, without ever contradicting herself or putting herself forward.
  • Mariette was also questioned by other priests and medical doctors in the months following the apparitions. They shared Father Jamin's opinion about Mariette's credibility.
  • Father Jamin had prayed to die on the anniversary of one of the Banneux apparitions. His prayer was granted: he died in 1961, on Thursday 2 March at 7pm, exactly 28 years to the day after the Virgin's 8th and last visit to Banneux. How could this be a simple coincidence?
  • During the Second World War, many Jews were hidden in Banneux. One of them, the rabbi of Liège, had an apparition of the "Virgin of the Poor" at the same place where she had appeared to Mariette in 1933.

  • After an investigation lasting more than ten years, in a pastoral letter dated 22 August 1949, Bishop Kerkhofs of Liège wrote: "We believe, in conscience, that we can and must recognise without reservation the reality of the eight apparitions of the Blessed Virgin to Mariette Beco." Banneux has become a major place of pilgrimage in Belgium: 500,000 pilgrims come each year to invoke the Virgin who came from Heaven to relieve their suffering and their lack of hope.

  • Numerous healings (of paralysis, cancer, depression, blindness, etc.) have been recorded and authenticated at Banneux by trained doctors. It would be hard to believe that all of them are false and that none of them are the result of supernatural intervention.


Banneux is a village in eastern Belgium, close to the town of Spa and not far from the German border. In this muddy and windy place covered with spruce trees, winters are harsh. An interesting choice for Mary to appear: she could have picked a more picturesque place on a hill, in springtime... Here, everything is harsh, cold and austere. Instead of the brightness of midday, she chose to come at night; instead of the discreet green of the deciduous trees, the deep green of the conifers; instead of the wild flowers of July, the white coat of winter... The Virgin appeared in the midst of roughness and discomfort, which is highly symbolic, the proper context for her central message of 11 February: "I have come to relieve suffering".

The first apparition took place on 15 January 1933, twelve days after the Beauraing apparitions. Mary appeared eight times in all. Here are her simple messages:

"Push your hands into the water. This spring is reserved for me. Good evening. Goodbye"(18th January).
"I am the Virgin of the poor. This spring is reserved for all nations, to relieve the sick. I will pray for you. Goodbye" (19 January).
"I would like a little chapel" (20 January).
"I have come to relieve suffering" (11 February).
" Believe in me, I will believe in you. Pray a lot. Goodbye" (15 February).
"My dear child, pray a lot. Goodbye" (20 February).
"I am the Mother of the Saviour, Mother of God. Pray much. Goodbye " (2 March).

An almost unique occurrence in the history of Marian apparitions is the fact that the Virgin walked with the visionary from her home to a spring (an image of her Son). 

A very discreet person all her life, Mariette always liked to remind people that she was only a "postman" and that the "letter" she delivered was much more important than herself. Her life wasn't easy, and she often came in the evening to pray incognito at the place of the apparitions. One day, a few years before her death in 2011, she confided to a friend: "Ah, if only she could come back!"These simple words tell us a lot about her awareness of the gift that she received eight times in 1933.

Belgian author Jean-Pierre Snyers publishes numerous articles on his blog.

Beyond reasons to believe:

The setting of the place of the apparitions is striking:

  • The snow is a symbol of the immaculate whiteness of the Virgin Mary;
  • The fir trees' perpetual green is the colour of hope, a sign of our aspiration to an eternal life;
  • Night represents our doubts and inner darkness: this is the place where the beautiful and luminous heavenly Mother comes to meet us, walk with us to the Source of Life, and relieve our sufferings of all sorts;
  • The path represents man's path to God and from this world to the next;
  • The spring is a symbol of Jesus Christ, source of living water and of our baptism to anchor ourselves in him.

Going further:

Virgin of the poor : the apparitions of Our Lady at Banneux by John Beevers, Abbey Press (January 1, 1972)


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