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Guérisons miraculeuses

Wisconsin (United States)


Bruce Van Natta's intestinal regrowth: an irrefutable miracle

On 16 November 2006, Bruce Van Natta was pinned under a semi-truck he was repairing. His abdomen was completely pierced and he lost 3 litres of blood. On arriving at the ER, his intestine was found to be completely torn, and the medical team decided they had to remove almost all of his small intestine (more than 5.5 metres long). One of Bruce Van Natta's friends, Bruce Carlson, came to his bedside to pray for him. In the name of Jesus, he literally commanded his intestine to grow back and, following his prayer, this is precisely what happened. Bruce's intestine tripled in size, from 95 centimetres to around 3 metres.

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Reasons to believe:

  • This miracle is very recent (2007) and very well documented.
  • The regrowth of Bruce Van Natta's intestine has been scientifically analysed by a team of professional doctors who are still alive today. Bruce's medical records describe an instantaneous and scientifically inexplicable healing: an intestine that grew back on its own, tripling in size.
  • This miracle took place just after a prayer in Jesus' name, confirming that Jesus still works miracles today.
  • This miracle attests to the truth of Christianity, corroborating the words of the Gospel: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father; and whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it " (Jn 14:12-14).


On 16 November 2006, Bruce Van Natta was working under a four-and-a-half tonne logging truck. Suddenly,the 20-ton capacity jack holding up the truck shot out from its position and the truck fell on top of him, crushing him in half. The front axle crushed his abdomen and pierced his stomach, causing him to bleed profusely. His intestine was completely torn and Bruce was taken to the University Hospital of Wisconsin. The surgeons couldn't understand how his heart could still beat after the truck had severed five major arteries, causing him to lose three litres of blood. They decided to perform four operations on him, removing 75% of his small intestine (including 93% of the ileum).

Surgeon Michael Schurr reported that more than 5.5 metres of his small intestine had been removed, so that after the fourth operation his small intestine was only 95 centimetres long. This made digestion impossible, so Bruce Van Natta lost a huge amount of weight (27 kilograms in three months). Doctors said he would slowly starve to death, as his small intestine was too small to absorb food.

But in February 2007, Bruce Carlson, a friend from New York, reported that he was awaken by God two nights in a row, who called him to go and pray for Bruce Van Natta. So he decided to fly to Wisconsin. Once in the hospital room, Carlson laid his hands on Bruce Van Natta and ordered his intestine to grow back in the name of Jesus Christ. When he did, Bruce says: "I felt like 220 volts come out of his palm into my forehead, right into my body. I could feel my intestines moving around and up and down."

The doctors decided to examine Bruce again, and to their astonishment confirmed that the intestine had indeed grown back on its own! They were confused and asked to have Bruce X-rayed. They couldn't believe what they saw: the intestine had indeed grown back. Radiologist Andrew Taylor confirmed in writing that Bruce's small intestine had grown spontaneously and was now over 3 metres long! CT scans and Doppler examinations proved that Van Natta's small intestine had tripled in length. The result was later confirmed by Dr Michael Schurr.

This is an absolutely incredible type of healing, and yet it is authentic and documented! The operating assistants saw with their own eyes the small intestine spontaneously reconstitute itself after a prayer in the name of Christ. In theory, it is absolutely impossible for science to explain this. This regrowth could not have occurred by the sole laws of physics. Here we have further irrefutable proof of the falsity of atheistic materialism and the truth of Christianity. Jesus rose back to live and still works miracles today when his name is invoked.

Matthieu Lavagna, Catholic apologist and author of Soyez rationnel, devenez catholique!

Going further:

The Insanity of Unbelief a Journalist's Journey from Belief to Skepticism to Deep Faith by Max Davis, Destiny Image, 2013, pp. 72-86. The author interviewed Bruce and the medical team to write the passage in question.

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