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21 November 1988

Mary frees Vietnamese bishop from prison

21 November 1988 marked twelve years since Bishop Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận, coadjutor of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), was imprisoned. Arrested on 15 August 1975 - the feast of Mary's Assumption - he saw that date as a sign that the Blessed Virgin would never abandon him. This hope, despite the often appalling conditions of imprisonment and solitary confinement, kept him alive. He was convinced that he owed his release to Our Lady, who actually gave him proof of her intervention, at a completely unexpected time. 

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Shutterstock/MIA Studio

Reasons to believe:

  • Bishop Thuận was considered by the communist regime to be "a very dangerous prisoner": he was targeted for his faith as well as his family connections to Ngô Đình Diệm, the former president of South Vietnam, an irreconcilable enemy of communism, who was also also a charismatic figure and leader of the Vietnamese Church. By uniting resistance to the regime around him, Thuan could have become as formidable as Lech Walesa in Poland. This alone explained his long detention.
  • He also had diplomatic value because of his relations in the Western world and with the Vatican. He was therefore a hostage whose safety and acceptable living conditions could be used as leverage for Vietnam, at the time isolated from the international stage. This went on for a long time.
  • Despite repeated pressure and ill-treatment, Thuận never admitted to the implausible charges against him, and this failure by the political police earned him the hatred of officials who wished to see him dead and would not release him for anything in the world.
  • Worried about the destabilisation of the USSR provoked by Gorbachev and emerging from a conflict with China, the regime, in order not to admit its fragility, opted for tougher repression of Catholics. So nothing indicates that the Vietnamese leaders would have had a sudden change of heart towards their prisoner.
  • Thuan's release would have amounted to "losing face", something impossible in the Asian mindset, especially in the context of the recent beatification of the Vietnamese martyrs, which the government took as a provocation.
  • The archbishop, who had already benefited from a miracle when, as a young priest he was instantly cured of severe tuberculosis, fully trusted in Mary's protection over him. He offered this prayer to her on each of her feast days: "Mother, if I am of any use to the Church by being in prison, do me the grace and honour of letting me die there, but if you think I can still serve her in some other way, let my jailers release me." And he was certain that, if he were to be released, it would happen on a Marian feast day.

  • For all these reasons, the decision to release Bishop Thuận on 21 November 1988 is impossible to comprehend. But it is worth noting that it was a Marian feast day: the Presentation of Mary in the Temple.


Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận, was born in Hué on 27 April 1928 into a Catholic mandarin family that played a decisive role in Vietnamese independence. Ordained a priest in June 1953, he was soon after miraculously cured of an aggressive form of tuberculosis, from which he should have died or been left permanently crippled.

During a pilgrimage to Lourdes, he had a premonition that, like many of his ancestors, he was about to face great trials and even martyrdom, and he accepted it. Noticed by the Vatican, he was appointed Bishop of Nha Trang in 1967 and, although he showed great organisational skills in his role as pastor, he above all attracted the notice of the Communists, whose victory he knew to be inevitable.

After the collapse of South Vietnam in April 1975, Pope Paul VI made Thuận coadjutor to the archbishop of Saigon - a choice that the authorities deemed unacceptable and which led to his arrest on 15 August. Twelve years of captivity followed, during which now-archbishop Thuận was transferred from one re-education camp to another, sometimes in solitary confinement and subjected to sensory deprivation comparable to torture. Injected with drugs, he resisted, supported by his faith and by the words of Christ that showed him the way to turn this nightmare into a channel of grace for the Church and for himself.

On 21 November 1988, out of the blue, Thuận was taken to see the Minister of the Interior, who ordered his immediate release, to the astonishment of those around him. He was nevertheless kept under surveillance, which eventually convinced John Paul II, concerned for his bishop's life, to call him to Rome. Barred from entering Vietnam, Thuận was appointed vice-president and then president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. He was made a cardinal in 2001, but did not enjoy this dignity for long, dying of cancer in Rome on 16 September 2002 as his health had been badly affected by his 13-year imprisonment. Cardinal Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận is now venerable.

Anne Bernet, Church History expert, postulator of a cause for beatification, a journalist for a number of Catholic media, and the author of more than forty books, most of them on the theme of holiness

Going further:

The Road of Hope: A Gospel from Prison by François Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, Wellspring (December 1, 2022)

More information:

  • Five Loaves & Two Fish by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, Pauline Books & Media (May 1, 2003)

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