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Les martyrs


1745 - 1862

The Vietnamese martyrs Father Andrew Dung-Lac and his 116 companions

Between 1745 and 1862, it is estimated that between 130,000 and 300,000 Catholics were persecuted to death for their faith in Vietnam. The Church canonized 117 of these heroic men and women, as striking examples of Christian who laid down their lives for the love of Christ and out of fidelity to his Church. In fact, no less than 53 decrees by the emperors of Vietnam were promulgated over three centuries (from the 17th to the 19th century), triggering off persecutions against Christians, each new one more violent than the last, until the French protectorate finally brought religious freedom to Vietnam.

Among this immense procession of bloodied saints, the Church singled out Andrew Dung-Lac, a priest who was arrested several times and finally executed by beheading in 1839, under the reign of Minh Mang, the emperor known as the "Vietnamese Nero". But there were also many bishops, dozens of priests and catechists, 60 lay people and a nun among these witnesses to the faith from that region of the world. Their memorial is on 24 November as Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions.

Bas-relief of the Martyrs of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City / © Shutterstock/godongphoto
Bas-relief of the Martyrs of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City / © Shutterstock/godongphoto

Reasons to believe:

  • Conversions in Vietnam were very rapid: there were already almost 200,000 Christians at the end of the 17th century. However, the Vietnamese had not heard of Jesus until the 16th century, and from then on, persecution of Christians was swift, violent, and continuous.
  • During this period, Marian apparitions were numerous and the faithful built several shrines to the Mother of God (such as Our Lady of La Vang).
  • As in many other Asian countries, the new Christians faced hostility from Buddhists and traditional monks, but persevered in their faith.
  • Despite the repetition and sophistication of the tortures to which they were subjected, the Vietnamese converts did not deny Christ, which testifies to the strength of their faith. They were perfectly aware of the dangers to which they were exposed by following Jesus.


Vietnam's first contacts with Christianity date back to the 16th century, when the Portuguese explored the region, and then increased in the following century with the arrival of Dominican, Franciscan and Jesuit missionaries. It was a French priest of the Society of Jesus, Alexandre de Rhodes, who built the first church in Hanoi in 1627, transcribed the Vietnamese language into the Latin alphabet and opened a school to train catechists. His work was crowned with success and many inhabitants of Vietnam converted.

But in 1644, the country had to mourn its first martyr, the young Andrew of Phú Yên, aged just 18, known as the "Protomartyr of Vietnam". Until French colonisation, the centuries that followed were filled with persecution, bloodshed and martyrdom, with rare periods of tolerance when rulers who were themselves Christians interrupted the terrible litany of those who died for their faith.

The motivations of the Vietnamese emperors varied, but most often it was the accusation of breaking with the cult of their ancestors and following an "unorthodox religion" that predominated. The "perverse ideas" that faith in Jesus would introduce (such as the condemnation of polygamy) were rejected. The fact remains that, in all cases, the emperors and mandarins were constant in their hatred of the Christian faith, perceived as a Western import, and in their condemnation of their subjects who had grown to love Jesus Christ. It was only when France intervened - and this was one of the official reasons for the protectorate and then colonisation - that the local authorities stopped the mass martyrdom of evangelists and their converts.

Among the victims were eight bishops, a large number of priests and a huge number of lay Christians of both sexes, from all walks of life and of all ages, all of whom preferred to suffer exile, imprisonment, torture and, ultimately death, rather than trample on the cross and fail in their Christian faith.

The Catholic Church has chosen to commemorate and pray to them in a joint celebration honouring 117 martyrs put to death between 1745 and 1862 in Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina. These 117 people - those whose ordeals appeared the cruellest - were chosen and raised to the altars by Rome, in four series of beatifications: 64 in 1900, by Pope Leo XIII; 8 in 1906, then 20 in 1909, by Saint Pius X; finally 25 in 1951, by Pius XII. Finally, they were all canonised as a group in 1988 by Saint John Paul II.

Among these saints were 11 Spanish Dominicans, 10 Frenchmen from the Paris Foreign Missions, and 96 Vietnamese, including 37 priests and 59 lay people, one of whom was a woman. At the place of their execution, a royal edict, placed next to each martyr, specified the method of torture: 75 were sentenced to beheading; 22 to strangulation; 6 were burnt alive; 5 were quartered; and 9 died in prison as a result of torture.

The twentieth century itself produced its share of martyrs, this time because of Communist ideology, as Cardinal Thuan testified, in France and around the world, when he was condemned to exile.

Jacques de Guillebon is an essayist and journalist. He is a contributor to the Catholic magazine La Nef.

Going further:

  • Saint Andrew Dung-Lac: The Remarkable Life and Legacy of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and his Companion Martyrs by Jonathan V. Terrell, Independently published (November 20, 2023)

More information:

  • Marie Oury-Guy, Le Vietnam, des martyrs et des saints, Le Sarment, 1998.
  • Speech by John Paul II to French pilgrims for the canonisation of the 117 martyrs in 1988.
  • P. Truong Ba Cân, Histoire du développement du catholicisme vietnamien, Hô Chi Minh-Ville, 1992.
  • Catherine Marin, Le Rôle des missionnaires français en Cochinchine aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Églises d'Asie, 1999.
  • The Aleteia article: " Les martyrs du Vietnam: comment ils ont suivi le Christ jusqu'au bout ".
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