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Les martyrs

5 February 1597

Nagasaki (Japan)

The martyrdom of Paul Miki and his companions

Following in the footsteps of Saint Francis Xavier, Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries succeeded in establishing Christianity in Japan. But from the end of the 1580s, the shogun decided to combat the spread of Christianity, which he considered a national danger. On 6 February we commemorate the martyrdom of the twenty-six people crucified in Nagasaki in 1597 fortheir Christian faith. They included European missionaries, Japanese religious and seventeen lay people: catechists, interpreters, doctors and children. Like Christ, those crucified were finished off with a spear.

Nagasaki Cathedral in Japan / © Shutterstock, Yusei.
Nagasaki Cathedral in Japan / © Shutterstock, Yusei.

Les raisons d'y croire :

  • We have many reliable historical sources on these events, including a detailed account written by a contemporary ("You will be my witnesses", Histoire du martyre de saint Paul Miki et de ses compagnons).
  • The execution in February 1597 was preceded by a month-long forced march from Kyoto to Nagasaki to dissuade the population from converting to Christianity. But the condemned had an attitude that surprised and impressed everyone they met: they continued their prayers with confidence and took advantage of the audience they were given to preach their faith in Christ.
  • Some of these martyrs were given the opportunity to easily save their lives, but they preferred to defend Catholicism. Such determination testifies to the depth and beauty of this faith. When the foreign Jesuits of the Osaka house were arrested, Paul Miki was apparently spared because he was Japanese, but he insisted on being treated no differently from his brothers in Christ. Similarly, Antoine Deynan was given the opportunity to escape death on the cross because of his young age (thirteen), but he firmly refused, considering that accepting this release would be a form of abjuration.
  • All the witnesses to the execution noted that "joy appeared on everyone's faces" and that "many were singing". Joy took the place of fear, because every Christian condemned to death for his faith knew that he would soon be in paradise: it was proof of the hope of Heaven that animated them.

  • On the brink of death, Paul Miki was so deeply and sincerely convinced that the Christian religion is true that he was still trying to make the executioners and the audience understand it: "At this point, I don't think any of you will believe that I want to disguise the truth. I therefore declare to you that there is no way to salvation other than that followed by Christians. Since it teaches me to forgive my enemies and all those who have done me wrong, I forgive with all my heart all those who have caused my death, and I beg them to receive Christian baptism."

  • Paul Miki's forgiveness of those who condemned him to death, and wishing them well, is also a clear sign of transcendence, because this magnanimous attitude goes far beyond conventional human capacities.

Synthèse :

The evangelisation of Japan began successfully in 1549 with Saint Francis Xavier. The missionaries were allowed to preach and distribute a large number of works: books of piety, training in the Catholic faith, and comparative studies between Buddhism, Shintoism and Christianity, which highlighted the richness of Catholicism in relation to Eastern philosophies. The Catholic religion quickly spread to all levels of society, and there were more than 300,000 Christians by the end of the 16th century.

The political authorities grew suspicious of this rapid expansion, and Catholicism came to be seen as a national danger. The shogun Hideyoshi Toyotomi sought to unify the country by limiting the influence of local daimyos (powerful Japanese magnates, feudal lords) and foreigners. He considered Catholicism, a religion imported from abroad, to be an obstacle to the establishment of a centralised state; a number of repressive measures were therefore put in place. Japanese anti-Christianity was therefore not the product of the people, but a political construct. In 1587, foreign Christian missionaries were banished, marking the start of over two hundred years of violent persecution. Japanese Christianity went underground and gradually became clandestine.

In December 1596, several Christians were arrested and put to death. They were imprisoned in Miyako (now Kyoto) and sentenced to crucifixion. They then set off on a forced march to Nagasaki, where they were executed. For a month, they were paraded from town to town to dissuade anyone tempted by the Christian faith. On this long way to the cross, despite being insulted and mocked, the condemned men showed admirable constancy, continuing their prayers and songs.

In Nagasaki, the twenty-six Christians were crucified on 5 February 1597, facing the sea and the West. Paul Miki, Japan's first Jesuit and a passionate preacher, saw the crowd watching his execution and seized the opportunity to bear witness once again and proclaim the Gospel. The executioners finished off each of the martyrs with a spear.

Twenty-six martyrs were crucified in Nagasaki that day: three Jesuits, six Franciscans and seventeen lay Christians, Tertiaries of Saint Francis and members of the Miyako community, including two young altar boys. Their names are:


Foreign Franciscan missionaries - Alcantarines

  • Martin of the Ascension
  • Pedro Bautista
  • Philip of Jesus
  • Francisco Blanco
  • Francisco of Saint Michael
  • Gundisalvus (Gonsalvo) Garcia


Japanese Franciscan tertiaries

  • Anthony Dainan (13)
  • Bonaventure of Miyako
  • Cosmas Takeya
  • Francisco of Nagasaki
  • Francis Kichi
  • Gabriel de Duisco
  • Joachim Sakakibara
  • John Kisaka
  • Leo Karasumaru
  • Louis Ibaraki (11)
  • Matthias of Miyako
  • Michael Kozaki
  • Paul Ibaraki
  • Paul Suzuki
  • Peter Sukejirō
  • Thomas Kozaki
  • Thomas Xico aka Thomas Danki


Japanese Jesuits

  • James Kisai
  • John Soan de Goto
  • Paul Miki


Paul Miki and his companions were beatified by Pope Urban VIII on 14 September 1627 (thirty years after the events, an exceptionally short time) and canonised by Pius IX on 8 June 1862. During his apostolic visit to Japan in November 2019, Pope Francis visited Nishizaka Hill to pay tribute to them.

Solveig Parent

Au-delà des raisons d'y croire :

"We are not destined for death but for the fullness of life. This was the message the martyrs proclaimed. Yes, here we see the darkness of death and martyrdom, but also the light of the resurrection, as the blood of the martyrs becomes the seed of the new life that Jesus Christ wishes to bestow on us. Their witness confirms us in faith and helps us to renew our dedication and commitment to missionary discipleship." (Pope Francis, 24 November 2019, Nagasaki).

Aller plus loin :

The film The 26 Martyrs of Japan, a Japanese silent film directed by Tomiyasu Ikeda, produced in 1931 by the Japanese company Nikkatsu.

En savoir plus :

  • Victor De Buck, Les Saints martyrs japonais de la Compagnie de Jésus : Paul Miki, Jean Soan de Gotto et Jacques Kisai, 1863, available online.
  • The chronology of the Jesuits in Japan, produced by Hanna Wells for the University of Waterloo (Canada).
  • A History of Jesuit Missions in Japan: Evangelization, Miracles and Martyrdom, 1549–1614: Alonge, Guillaume. Oxfordshire: Routledge, December 2023
  • The Japanese and the Jesuits : Alessandro Valignano in sixteenth-century Japan by Joseph Francis Moran, London ; New York : Routledge, 1993

  • The resources available on the Missions Étrangères de Paris website on the subject of Japanese martyrs.
  • The biography of Saint Paul Miki on the website
  • The Vatican News report on the tribute paid by Pope Francis to the martyred saints of Japan in November 2019. The Holy Father's speech is available online.
  • Saint Paul Miki and Companions (The First Martyrs of Japan): Discover the Remarkable Life and Legacy of Saint Paul Miki Kirishitan and Companions by Charles S. Walton,  Independently published (February 7, 2024) 

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