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Les martyrs

Tyrnavos (Thessaly, Greece)


He braved torture to atone for his apostasy

On 30 December 1818, the inhabitants of the small Greek town of Tyrnavos in Thessaly witnessed a curious sight: an elderly man was being led naked through the streets on the back of a donkey, spat at and insulted by passers-by, who threw rubbish at him as he was led to his torture. The 60-year-old man, a monk called Brother Gideon, seemed not only indifferent to what was happening to him, but content with his fate. And how could he not be? After more than half a century of prayers and penances, God had granted him his dearest wish by giving him the grace of martyrdom, which would atone for his conversion to Islam when he was twelve. Soon, miracles began multiplying at his tomb.

Unsplash/Marek Piwnicki
Unsplash/Marek Piwnicki

Les raisons d'y croire :

  • Abducted at the age of twelve by a powerful Turkish man, Nicholas was forcibly converted to Islam, but he soon regretted his weakness, for he felt the loving presence of Christ close to him, constantly urging him to return to Him. Although he knew the cost of renouncing Islam, and could expect no help, the boy had only one thought: to escape and find a way back to Orthodoxy.
  • In an unexpected way, Nicholas managed to escape and return to his village. Fearing the punishment for helping an escaped slave, his parents refused to take him in. The hand of God then manifested itself once again when he met a priest who had just lost his son and adopted him, helping him to think of ways to make amends for his apostasy.
  • Three years later, on the death of his benefactor, Nicholas, who could have stayed with his adoptive family, left for the monasteries of Mount Athos to do penance. He spent 35 years there as a monk under the religious name of Gideon.
  • Despite the penances he inflicted on himself, Gideon could not forgive himself for his apostasy. A verse from the Gospel (Mt 10:33) impressed itself on him, as if a voice were repeating it to him: "Whoever declares himself for me before men, I will declare myself for him before my Father in the presence of angels; whoever denies me before men, I will deny before my Father in the presence of the angels." He became convinced that he must publicly confess his faith in Christ if he wanted to be forgiven, although he knew that the Turks would regard his act as a denial of Islam, which is punishable by death.

  • He felt an ardent desire for martyrdom, the only way to erase his denial by publicly confessing Christ. The Church, following the teachings of Jesus, forbids voluntary martyrdom - which is a proud form of suicide and a sin against one's neighbour, who is driven to commit a very serious sin. So Gideon waited for a sign from on high to carry out his plan. He told his superiors of his intentions and confessed his desire to endure martyrdom.
  • In 1797, his superiors appointed him bursar of the monastery they owned in Crete. This appointment proved that Gideon was a reliable and trustworthy religious.
  • Gideon left the monastery with the permission of his superiors and, for almost twenty years, he publicly confessed his faith, risking his life: "Christ is risen, yes, he is truly risen!"His determination was put to the test in various ways, exposing him to public humiliation and torture.

  • Gideon's provocations went so far beyond common sense that the Turks took him for a madman and were reluctant to punish him, believing him to be irresponsible. Not so: this " fool in Christ", as the Orthodox say - referring to certain mystics so carried away by divine love that their behaviour no longer seems rational - was indeed called to follow his Lord on his way to the cross. Gideon was given the opportunity to return to his monastery and save his life, but he opted to fulfil his vocation.

  • The tortures inflicted on him on 30 December 1818 sent him to a slow and painful death. However, during the twenty-four hours of his agony, he never stopped smiling and no one heard him complain.
  • On 1January 1819, when the Christians recovered the body of the martyr, which had been thrown into a cesspit, it emanated "a sweet light". His wounds reopened and fresh, ruddy blood flowed from them, which in theory is impossible. Once recovered, his body immediately obtained miracles.

  • Before he died, Gideon announced to the pasha of Tyrnavos, who had condemned him, that he himself would soon be put to death and that not one stone of his house would be left standing. This prophecy was fulfilled shortly afterwards.
  • Miracles have never ceased to happen at Saint Gideon's tomb in the monastery of Karakallou: the faithful and monks speak of apparitions of the holy martyr, as well as mysterious lights and perfumes.

Synthèse :

Born into a poor Orthodox Christian family in Capouma in the 1750s, Nicholas was apprenticed to one of his uncles and kidnapped by a Turkish nobleman. This practice was common in countries occupied by the Ottoman Empire, and always resulted in a forced conversion to Islam. Under pressure from his master, the boy became a Muslim at the age of 12, but his attachment to the faith of his ancestors remained, and he felt the loving presence of Christ close to him.

To atone for his apostasy , he fled to a monastery on Mount Athos , where he became Brother Gideon and spent thirty-five years in prayer and penance. He came to the conviction that if he wanted to be forgiven, he would have to make a public confession of his Christian faith, knowing that the Turks would regard his act as a denial of Islam, which was punishable by death. Only for very serious reasons could Gideon's superiors have granted him this exceptional permission.

In 1799, Gideon returned to Velestino where he had been forcibly converted. On Holy Thursday of Holy Week he wore a wreath of roses and flowers, to appear like a fool. This is how he presented himself to his former master, Ali, and confessed Christ. Ali sought to send him to the judge. On Good Friday, Gideon appeared before the judge holding two red eggs and saying, "His is risen". He did so many other strange things, including throwing a cup of coffee to the face of the judge that he was mercilessly beaten.

Immobilised for more than three months, Gideon continued to look for an opportunity for martyrdom as soon as he recovered. He challenged Turkish soldiers, in the name of Mohammed, to take a burning coal in their hands, while he would do it in the name of Christ. Still taken for a madman, he returned to his monastery for a few months, but the call of martyrdom had not diminished, so he left and confessed the divinity of Jesus in the streets of Tyrnavos.

The pasha decided to have him executed: after being led naked on a donkey, Gideon's hands and feet were cut off. The wounds were cauterised to stop him bleeding to death, and he was thrown into the cesspit of the pasha's palace, where he died after a day and a night of serene agony. Redeemed by the Christians, his body embalmed and shed a sweet light, while fresh blood began to flow from his amputated limbs, working miracles. Gideon is honoured as a "holy new venerable martyr" by the Greek Orthodox Church,  a category of saints who fell victim to either Muslim persecution or Communism.

Anne Bernet is a specialist in Church History, the postulator of a cause for beatification, and a journalist for several Catholic media, She is also the author of more than forty books, most of them devoted to holy lives.

Aller plus loin :

Article "Holy New Venerable Martyr Gideon of Karakallou

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