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Conversions d'athées

Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina

December 2002

Father Sébastien Brière: converted at Medjugorje

The site of Medjugorje, although not officially recognised as a place of apparitions by the Catholic Church, attracts many pilgrims and people in search of something. This was the case for Frenchman Sébastien Brière, a young man with no apparent needs and in a relationship: in search of a deeper life, he went to Medjugorje in December 2002, at the invitation of an uncle. A non-believer, he was irresistibly touched by divine grace during mass, which led him to convert. A few years later, he was confirmed and entered the seminary. Now a Catholic priest, he continues to share the story of his conversion today.

Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff
Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

Reasons to believe:

  • Sébastien Brière was an ordinary Frenchman, ignorant of all things Catholic: "In my family, we didn't talk about God."

  • He was apparently happy, with a good job and a girlfriend... Yet he knew he was unsatisfied, alone, and incomplete.
  • While he was initially put off by his surroundings in Medjugorje (bad weather, an overcrowded church), the moment of consecration during Mass moved him to the core. Sébastien's conversion happened suddenly during the Eucharist.
  • Sébastien then wept without stopping during his stay: this "grace of tears", which could not be faked, was accompanied by a feeling of infinite love.
  • As soon as he returned to France, his conversion manifested itself in concrete actions: Sébastien went to Mass and recited the Rosary every day, to to great surprise of the people who knew him.
  • Rather than human love, Sébastien Brière chose God's love, by becoming a priest. "My heart has been full since I said yes to the Lord. The Lord's love for me fills me with everything I need; I lack nothing."

  • His testimony (available online), touches hearts and makes converts in turn.


In December 2002, Sébastien Brière went to Medjugorje and converted. Born into an ordinary family where faith, God and catechism were entirely absent, Sébastien Brière's only example of prayer was his maternal grandmother. Describing himself as very shy and introverted, Sébastien was involved in a very serious accident at the age of twelve, in which he almost lost his life. At the time, this accident was inexplicable to him and his family at the time, he says. He then had an ordinary adolescence, followed by a great love affair that ended badly.

Now a landscape architect in Switzerland, Sébastien Brière realised that, despite the appearance of happiness, he was not at peace inside and did not understand the purpose of his life. He felt a deep emptiness and loneliness.

In 2000, one of his uncles urged him to go to Medjugorje, a place that had had a profound effect on him. He finally agreed and arrived on 23 December 2002, accompanied by his girlfriend at the time. As he entered the cold, crowded church, he was initially repulsed by the sight. Then, when the moment of consecration came and the whole congregation fell to their knees, he suddenly began to cry. The crying didn't stop, even after the mass was over. During the few days he stayed in Medjugorje, he says he never stopped crying. Those around him encouraged him, but he didn't understand what was happening to him. It was like being born again - the birth of an extraordinary love: "Someone had just touched my heart".

Since that day, he says, he has had only two desires: to pray his rosary and to go to Mass - something he can't do without. All around him, his family and friends were really surprised. With his girlfriend Isabelle, he returned to Medjugorje three times during 2003. The love of Jesus continued to grow in his heart.

A year and a half after his conversion, in 2004, Isabelle encouraged him to choose between marriage and the priesthood. The question had never crossed his mind. After a short period of rebellion against this fate, he had to come to terms with it: the Lord was calling him to become a priest. A little disoriented, he asked his grandmother to introduce him to the Church. A nun, Sister Sylvie, help him prepare for baptism. He was confirmed in 2005 and immediately entered the seminary. He was ordained a priest in 2011 for the diocese of Orléans, and has been testifying to his conversion ever since.

Jacques de Guillebon is an essayist and journalist. He is a contributor to the Catholic magazine La Nef.

Going further:

Sébastien Brière's testimonial is available on YouTube.

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