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Conversions d'athées

Paris, France

20th century

MC Solaar's rapper converts after experiencing Jesus' pains on the cross

Jean-Luc Garnier is a former rapper who has worked with MC Solaar. Trapped in a life of violence and addiction, his life was radically changed when he encountered Christ. Following his conversion to Christianity, he launched “Amen, Oui je croiX” (Amen, Yes I Believe; the French word "crois" - believe - has a close spelling to the word for "cross", "croix"), an organisation and social media channel for evangelisation and events where people can use their talents in the service of the Lord.


LesByerley, via iStock.
LesByerley, via iStock.

Les raisons d'y croire :

  •  Jean-Luc identifies several precise stages that helped him turn his life around. In particular, reading the Bible prepared his heart and awakened his conscience. The people around him noticed his journey: "Did they send you to a witch doctor or something?"

  • He had an extraordinary experience of complete, sincere awareness of his sinful state and particular sins: he wept for four hours, lying prostrate. For a few minutes, he even felt the pains of Christ during his Passion. "It was unbearable. There wasn't a nerve in me that wasn't hurting." After this experience, Jean-Luc found peace: he felt "like someone else" and began his life of faith.

  • The simultaneous conversions, on exactly the same night, of Jean-Luc and his brother are a coincidence too strong to be dismissed.
  • Jean-Luc's conversion was a radical turning point: he cut ties with his friends involved in drugs and gave up his promising career as a rapper.
  • Having cut himself off from this toxic environment, Jean-Luc initially felt isolated, which at first made him want to reconnect with his past life. But as he wrestled with this temptation, the Virgin Mary appeared to him and gave him the strength to stand by his good choices. From that point on, Jean-Luc stood firm and his conversion was lating: "I clung to Christ more than ever. I've walked with him, and today I'm overjoyed by this encounter, the best of my life."

Synthèse :

When I was six or seven, my parents left my siblings and me with an aunt who raised us, in Martinique (a French island and department in the Carribean). She was abusive and beat us with hoses and scrubbing brushes. One day, she exposed us naked on the public highway in a place called "La Croisée", where everyone passes by. I remember crying in my childish heart, saying to myself: "Isn't there anyone to get me out of there?" This aunt was even harder on her son, my cousin. He committed suicide by drinking a bottle of ammonia. On his deathbed, when his windpipe was gone and everything was burnt, he asked to see his mother and said: "Mum, I forgive you. Don't worry, the Lord has a good place for me."That's how he died. The doctors were flabbergasted, they said to themselves: "It's impossible, he can't speak, he's got nothing left, no windpipe, no vocal cords, everything's burnt up". I didn't know Christ yet, but my aunt asked for our forgiveness, and we forgave her.

When I was 16, I joined a gang in Paris. We fought other gang members and robbed local residents and people in the metro. When I was 17, I was living in a basement and using drugs. After three months, I was dealing in the neighbourhood. From the ages 17 to 27, it was a headlong rush into drugs, alcohol and women. We stole cars and organised hold-ups.

On my way to the West Indies to see my parents, at the airport I met the father of a girl I'd travelled with. He'd been in prison for two years. He asked me: "Do you know the Bible? - Yes,"I replied,"my mother has open Bibles in some rooms. - You should read it, it helped me a lot when I was in prison." I started leafing through the Bible from time to time, reading a verse or a psalm here and there. But after a year, I went back to France and that same evening I went out to a club. I fell straight back into drugs and started seeing the same people again... but my conscience was awaken. There were things I didn't want to do any more. What's more, my friends would say to me: "What did they do to you there?!"  I became aware of my condition and that of the people around me. I realised that everything was based on drugs, fornication and theft. It was all wrong, but I was longing for something much deeper. It was as if I was seeing myself inside, and I could see how damaged I was.

One evening, on my way home, when there was a big storm outside, I instinctively fell to my knees with my head on the ground and started to cry. I cried over my sins, without knowing what was happening to me. Then, all of a sudden, I stood up straight, both arms open, and Christ let me feel his wounds. The crown of thorns, the pierced heart, the pierced hands. For two minutes, Christ really made me feel his pains, it was unbearable. There wasn't a nerve in my body that wasn't in torture. My whole body ached. I cried, I screamed, then I fell back to the ground and continued to cry. I was crying about all the wrong I'd done. It went on for four hours. And when I got up again, I was someone else. I didn't think the same, everything seemed clearer, brighter: my heart was at peace. The next day, when I came out of my room, my brother came up to me and said: "Jean-Luc, I believe in God now!" I said to him: "That's good, because I do too!" We took the bowl containing all the drugs, poured them down the toilet, flushed the toilet and left together for Mass at the Sacré-Coeur basilica. That's how I began my life of faith with my brother. A little anecdote: I remember a neighbour who lived downstairs and used to praise the Lord. But every time he prayed, we'd turn up the rap music. So he moved out. Two or three years ago, we saw him again at the Sacré-Cœur, and he was very happy to see us again at Mass!

At first, I was really alone. Nobody called me any more. This loneliness weighed on me enormously, and I said to the Lord: "Since I've known you, I've had no girlfriend, no friends, nothing." I was just with my brother, immersed in the Bible. Three weeks later, I wanted to see my friends again, to return to that world. But at night, lying on my bed, I opened my eyes and saw the Virgin Mary at the foot of my bed, dressed all in white. I felt a deep peace. There was yellow light behind her, like a sun, and God's presence was truly powerful. I looked at Mary, and Mary looked at me. She said to me: "Follow my son, you'll do much better things!" She didn't say, "Follow me", she said, "Follow my son". At that moment, I felt great joy, as if I'd achieved everything in my life. From that day on, I never felt the urge to take drugs again. Just as the doors in my musical career were beginning to open, I left the world of music completely behind and followed Jesus. I clung to Christ more than ever. I walked with him and, today, I am still feeling the joy of this encounter, the best of my life. I was a wounded man, broken inside, and God really saved me. The Bible says: "Jesus heals."

On behalf of the Lord, I would like to encourage mothers to never give up praying for their children, and young people not to let themselves be influenced. There will be trials of course, but stand firm in your faith: God is love!

Jean-Luc Garnier, based on his perosnal testimony - available on the Notre-Dame-de-la-Lumière YouTube channel.

Aller plus loin :

Jean-Luc Garnier's video testimonial is available in full on the NDML YouTube channel.

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